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通过他的卑鄙行为你可以判断他是个什么样的人。You can judge what he is like by his ignoble actions.

“危机反应”有着悠久而不光彩的传统。The "crisis response "has a long and ignoble tradition.

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独立电影,脆弱、卑微或歇斯底里的呐喊?Independent films-fragile, ignoble or hysterical scream?

尤其他刚刚还救了我,那样做是卑鄙的。Especially, he has just rescued me, it's ignoble to do so.

内森·黑尔宁愿死得英雄,也不愿苟且偷生。Nathan Hale would sooner die a hero than drag out an ignoble existence.

如果想出家是出于不光彩的原因,则只会生成过错,而且是不明智的!To be a monastic out of ignoble reasons creates demerits and is unwise!

某种价值观被认为是卑鄙还是高尚,这取决于一个人的偏见和目的。Values are ignoble or noble according to one's prejudices and intentions.

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高尚是高尚者的墓志铭,卑鄙是卑鄙者的通行证。Nobility is the epitaph for the noble and ignobility , the pass for the ignoble.

为什么我们做高尚的和不高尚的事情时都携带着快感的潜流?Why is it that we do noble and ignoble things with the undercurrent of pleasure?

或许你会天真地说“一个是多莫高尚,而另一个是多莫鄙贱。”And you may say in your innocence, "How noble is the one and how ignoble is the other."

大多数发达国家和主要西方国家,都有一段不光彩的侵略史。All developped and leading western countries have a ignoble history of invasion and pillage.

他觉得坐牢是不光彩的事情,认为自己成了坏人,因此不愿意见探监的黎璃。He felt prison is ignoble thing, think you became a bad guy, so reluctant to visiting li glass.

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完成了他分内要做的所有工作,怕死就有点儿卑鄙和不光彩了。He has achieved whatever work it was in him to do, the fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble.

每团体都会有憨豆的阅历,有时会把这当作不光荣的事情,偷偷藏起来或许指摘自己。Everyone has the experience of bean, sometimes it as ignoble things, secretly hide or blame yourself.

当他把良知放在生命的天平上时,一切苟全性命的人都落空了生命的分量。When he put on the balance of conscience in life when all ignoble peace people lost their lives weight.

观众看得津津有味,哄堂大笑,不断鼓掌,他却觉得这不过是一出无聊的闹剧,只能使他愁上加愁。The whole house was roaring with laughter and applause, and he saw only an ignoble farce that made him sad.

妈妈会为把耶稣像和不怎么有品位的物品一起放在货架上的卑微处感到愤慨。My mother would be indignant about Jesus' ignoble place on a shelf alongside figurines of questionable taste.

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大自然赋予我这样大的耐力,难道就是要我在一种精神堕落的状态下苟且偷生?。Nature endued me so great patience, was really wants me to ignoble existence underadegenerate spirit condition?

庶子在明代的小说中的形象,常是卑鄙愚昧、不学无术,小说必定是反映著当时的社会评价。The image of the sons born from concubines is ignoble , foolish , unlearned and incapable in Ming Dynasty's novel.

许多人想成功,所以他们也许有“感到自己比别人优秀的这种不光彩的满足感”。Many people desire to win so that they might have "the ignoble satisfaction of feeling that they are better than someone else".