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他拒绝给她洗礼。He refuses to baptize her.

保罗拒绝给她洗礼。Paul refuses to baptize her.

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一些教会为什么不给婴儿施洗?Why do some churches not baptize infants?

无论你怎么尝试,你都无法为猫施洗礼。No matter how hard you try, you can't baptize cats.

第三就是少用农业水。A third way is to use beneath baptize of agronomics.

他将以圣灵和火为你们施洗。He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire.

当保罗犹豫是否给她洗礼时,她给自己洗礼。She baptizes herself when Paul hesitates to baptize her.

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洗礼不能被称为做工,因为你不能为自己施洗。Baptism cannot be called a work because you cannot baptize yourself.

我感谢神,除了基列司布并该犹以外,我没有给你们一个人施洗。I am thankful that I did not baptize any of you except Crispus and Gaius.

在耶稣要求为万民施洗的命令中,耶稣没有排除小婴孩。In the command of Jesus to baptize all nations, Jesus does not exclude little babies.

教会不仅有责任为个别信徒受洗,也要为属乎他的家人受洗。Churches are called to baptize not only individual converts but also family members in their care.

那时候耶稣从加利利的拿撒勒来,在约旦河里受了约翰的洗。John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins.

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当河边的群众看见一位年轻人上前来要接受约翰的施洗,而约翰却显出犹豫的时候,他们心里一定充满疑问。The crowds on the river bank must have wondered as they saw John hesitate to baptize a young man who had come forward.

拒绝给孩子施洗,并且不按照神的话语教育孩子的父母,会严重损害甚至毁掉孩子的灵性成长。F. Parents who refuse to baptize their children and train them in God's Word severely damage them and can destroy them spiritually.

作为阿根廷的红衣主教,他当他批评拒绝为单身母亲孩子洗礼的牧师后引发了争议。As a Cardinal in Argentina, he sparked controversy when he chastised priests for refusing to baptize the children of single mothers.

父母可能因为没有尽义务给孩子施洗,没有尽义务用神的话语教育孩子,导致影响了孩子的一生,使孩子一生处于不信中,并且永久下地狱。Parents can influence their children for a life of unbelief and an eternity in hell by failing in their duty to baptize them and instruct them in God's Word.

然后,情节还没结束,那里有水,她请求保罗给他洗礼,但他不肯,于是她跳进水里给自己洗礼。And then,though, not to let the scene finish she--she's all right, there's water, she's asked Paul to baptize her once and he wouldn't do it, so she throws herself into the water and baptizes herself.