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现在世界上每天都有几十个城市——多伦多,波尔多,布达佩斯,德国柏林,甚至马尼拉和莫斯科,都在上演这样的场景。Budapest or Berlin, if not Bogota or Bordeaux. Even Manila or Moscow.

“你知道你是不可替代的,”萨姆告诉我,昨晚我在波哥大。"You know you're irreplaceable, " Sam told me on my last night in Bogotá.

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在波哥大康复中心,人们看到笼子里有两只松鼠猴。Squirrel-monkeys are seen inside their cage in a rehabilitation center in Bogota.

哥伦比亚首都波哥大发生一起炸弹爆炸,导致至少两人死亡。A bomb explosion in the Colombian capital Bogota has killed at least two people, a.

使出国旅行的朋友,购买到经济实惠的圣菲波哥大特价机票。To make friends to travel abroad, to buy affordable tickets special Santa Fe de Bogota.

在周四,波哥大一名反斗牛激进人士走在游行示威现场。An anti-bullfighting activist in Bogota walks to the site of a demonstration on Thursday.

波哥大周日举行国际嘻哈节,同时有15国歌手共襄盛举。Bogota celebrated on Sunday an international Hip Hop Festival with singers of 15 countries.

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我记得有一个发型师,当她正给我吹干头发时,告诉我说她不敢想像一个人旅行。I remember a hairstylist in Bogota. As she blow-dryed my hair, she told me she couldn’t picture it.

工作人员在波哥达七个人流最多的七个主要公园放置里冰块雕塑的极地动物。To place ice sculptures of polar animals on seven of the main and most visited public parks in Bogota.

波哥大已就越境袭击事件道歉,但说这是打击反政府武装哥伦比亚革命武装力量斗争的必要组成部分。Bogota apologized for the raid, but said it is a necessary part of its struggle against the FARC rebels.

他常说,他是最好的朋友,也是最可恶的敌人。He always said he was the best of friends and the worst of enemies," Guzman said during an interview in Bogota.

哥伦比亚首都波哥大的学生在反政府抗议中高举标语并大呼口号。Students hold banners while shouting slogans against the government during a protest in Bogota October 24, 2006.

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波哥年夜市的圣坦德尔公园内有天下上最年夜的黄金博物馆,也是的事业之一。Bogota downtown SAN jotham del park has the world's largest gold museum, is also one of the important sites state.

不过,由于街道宽阔、人口密集,以及有乘坐公交旅行的传统,波哥大具有使快速公交成功的各种要素。But with its wide streets, dense population and a tradition of bus travel, Bogotá had the ingredients for success.

一场传播袋鼠照料早产婴儿方法的运动于1970年发源于哥伦比亚的波哥大。A movement to spread the use of the kangaroo method for preterm babies grew out of Bogota , Colombia, in the 1970s.

在遇难者当中有六人是在波哥大和中继省省府比亚维森西奥之间的高速公路上丧生的。Among the dead were six people killed on a highway linking Bogota and Villavicencio, the provincial capital of Meta.

在波哥大时,他还与一些参与美国开办的教育项目的哥伦比亚黑人进行会谈。While in Bogota , he will meet with a group of Afro- Colombians who have taken part in U. S. run education programs.

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根据美国地质调查局研究发现,此次地震的震中约是波哥大东部东南部54千米地区,深度约为10千米。According to the U. S. Geological Survey, the quake's epicenter was at 54 km east-southeast of Bogota at a depth of 10 km.

1538年8月6日,殖民主义者在这块洒满印第安人鲜血的土地上破土动工,兴建波哥大圣菲城。On 6th Aug 1538, colonialists had breaking ground on this land being spread with Indian's blood to build the city of Bogotá.

波哥大现已发展成为现代化城市,是哥伦比亚全国政治、经济和文化中心以及全国交通枢纽。Bogotá has developed into a city with modernization and served as a countryside-hub for Columbia's politics, economy and culture.