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圣诞节当前,我真的不忍心啊。It's Christmas.

这是圣诞颂歌吗?Christmas carols?

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比过圣诞节温馨。Warmer than Christmas.

祝您圣诞快乐!Have a Merry Christmas.

这是圣诞前夜,好人儿。It's Christmas Eve, boy.

谁能当得起圣诞节?Who Can Stand Christmas?

圣诞节临近了。Christmas is drawing near.

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圣诞节一年一次。Christmas comes once a year.

圣诞节很快就要来到。Christmas is coming up soon.

马桶刷做的圣诞树?Toilet Brush Christmas Tree?

而明天就是平安夜了。And tomorrow’s Christmas Eve.

亮金属片在圣诞树上。Tinsel on the Christmas tree.

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小玩意儿在圣诞树上。Baubles on the Christmas tree.

我们是在圣诞节的时候联系上的。We reconnected over Christmas.

一棵在VFW邮局里的圣诞树。Christmas tree from a VFW post.

圣诞树真华美。The Christmas tree is gorgeous.

这部影片将连续放映到圣诞节。The film will run to Christmas.

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我们在卢加庆祝了圣诞节。We celebrate christmas in Luga.

猪肉够吃一年,偷大麦。Christmas comes but once a year.

圣诞节又要到来。Christmas will soom come around.