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他的普世精神也同样感人。His ecumenical spirit is also impressive.

或许为了交流有针对整个基督教的举措。There may be ecumenical efforts for communicate.

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这种普遍采取的做法似乎惹恼了一些决策者。The ecumenical approach seemed to annoy some executives.

教令全基督教会议的教义或纪律法令。A doctrinal or disciplinary act of an ecumenical council.

空间形式研究是在抽象层面上的关于空间的一般研究。Space form study is the nonobjective and ecumenical study about space.

安理会的维埃纳省,是十五合一会,罗马天主教教堂。The Council of Vienne was the 15th ecumenical council of the Roman Catholic Church.

布什在他们的任期内也同样充当其他宗教信仰的普世价值。Bush were equally ecumenical regarding the other monotheistic faiths during their tenures.

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本港有两个基督教团体,负责推行基督教会的联合事工。Two ecumenical bodies facilitate co-operative work among the Protestant churches in Hong Kong.

屋顶绘满壁画,较大四幅描绘了教会会议的情景。The ceiling is painted with frescos, among which the four larger-sized depict the ecumenical councils.

一个世界性的服务将于卫在威斯敏斯特中央大厅前的示威活动。An ecumenical service will be held at Methodist Central Hall in Westminster prior to the demonstrations.

颁布认命这几位牧师的大公天主教会历来在已婚牧师的问题上与梵蒂冈意见相左。The Ecumenical Catholic Church which ordained the men had been at loggerheads with the Vatican over the issue of married priests.

纳斯达克会宣传和支持高露洁公司所作出的努力,并将其展现在世人面前。NASDAQ will partner with Colgate-Palmolive to provide exposure and support or its ecumenical efforts, including the Colgate Women's Games.

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成员青年会和女青年会会走到一起,一礼拜的基督教中心举行的世界基督教协进会总部设在日内瓦举行。Members of the YMCA and YWCA will come together for a worship service at the Ecumenical Centre at the World Council of Churches headquarters in Geneva.

图希下定决心要毁灭罗克,在他的操纵下,霍普顿·斯托达德,一个灵魂堕落的走卒,委托我们这位无神论建筑师设计一所基督教堂。Determined to crush Roark, Toohey manipulates a spiritually inclined pawn, Hopton Stoddard, to commission an ecumenical temple from the atheistic architect.

梵蒂冈日报称,广场的柱廊是一种高度的艺术表现形式,喻意着大教堂对所有人的接纳。"The colonnade is a highly allegorical artistic representation of an ecumenical embrace of the universal Church to all people, " said the Vatican newspaper.

历代的“福音派”信仰是供认性,及坚信历代教会在会议,信经里所断定的重要真理。Historic evangelicalism was confessional. It embraced the essential truths of Christianity as those were defined by the great ecumenical councils of the church.

他召集了第二次全基督教大会,这次会议于381年在君士坦丁堡召开,会议期间拟定了最终的尼西亚信经——正统派的标准。He it was who summoned the second ecumenical council this time at constantinople in381 where the nicene greed the standard of orthodoxy was drawn up in its final form.

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费城纪念活动将包括儿童联欢会、医疗和健身交流会、墙报画展、游行、普世教合一仪式及文化活动。Kids’ carnivals, health and wellness fairs, mural painting, parades, ecumenical religious services and cultural events will be part of the observances in Philadelphia.

我常想起去年三月,我代表国际扶轮社长参加地区年会时一位圣公会的牧师在澳洲的一个扶轮全基督教服务中的一场布道中所说的一段话。I often remember a sermon given by an Anglican Priest in Australia at a Rotary Ecumenical Service last March when I was representing the President at a District Conference.

我们公司总部位于美国,是食品服务和食品包装产品的领先供应商。Our company is a well-known supplier of food packaging products for foodservice and consumer products markets. Ever in ecumenical emergency, we still keep business expand and high profits.