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妳也要狠狠爱莪…You have to love me sternly.

义正词严骂女主角的,BS下。Actress sternly scolded, under BS.

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父亲严厉地斥骂着。The father scolded the donkey sternly.

她板着脸看着自己的母亲,也就是那个祖母,说道She looked sternly at her own mother, the

新华社说,犯事者应该严惩。Xinhua says offenders should be sternly punished.

“彼得,”他峻厉地训诫他的学生彼得道。"peter, " he sternly admonished peter, his student.

主席厉声斥责听众哄笑。The chair sternly rebuked the audience for their laughter.

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保罗还写信严厉批评那个懒惰和好管闲事的人。Paul writes very sternly to the person who is idle and a busybody.

海丝特不肯放松他,以免看见他盯望着她面孔的那种严厉表情。Hester would not set him free, lest he should look her sternly in the face.

所以,出家人处处要严守戒律。So left-home people, wherever they may be, must sternly guard their precepts.

然后他断然嘱咐,不可对人说他是弥赛亚。Then he sternly ordered the disciples not to tell anyone that he was the Messiah.

他地母亲在他犯错时,老是峻厉地教诲他,有时还会打他。His mother in his makes a mistake, always sternly taught him, and sometimes beat him.

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“这就曾经发生过的而且还会发生的”伊莎贝尔严厉地训斥着小女骇。"It's happened before and it will happen again, " Maybelle sternly lectured the girl.

要彻底根治腐败,也应德法兼行,不断加强干部自身的道德修养。We must sternly curb corruption and strengthen the contingent of cadres moral training.

第五新西兰旅在该山口死守了三天,这是必须据守的三天。The pass was sternly defended for the necessary three days by the 5th new zealand brigade.

很不好。”白胡子将军红着本来就微带红色的脸严厉地说。Very bad, " the general with the white whiskers and the red, flushed face said to him sternly."

坚持依法从严治警,建立科学管理机制等。Insist to treat according to law sternly Jing, establishment the mechanism of scientific management.

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女主人严厉地看着杰维斯,说道,“杰维斯,再让我看到你穿我的衣服,你就被炒了!”She looked sternly at him and said, "Jervis, if I ever catch you wearing my stuff again, you're fired!"

随着入世“后过渡期”的结束,中国的产业安全也变得日益严峻。Along with the WTO "the transition-period" ends, China' s industry security also changes sternly day by day.

在宫殿内的法庭,果正居士立刻被首席法官审问,而且受到严厉的斥责。In the court of the palace Kwashin Koji was examined at once by the Chief Officer , and sternly reprimanded.