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抑郁影响绝经期症状吗?Does Depression Affect Menopausal Symptoms?

这包括持续的更年期症状。These include persistent menopausal symptoms.

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中年抑郁症与绝经期症状负载。Depressive symptoms and menopausal burden in the midlife.

方法用更年顺安汤加减治疗更年期综合症。Methods To treat menopausal syndrome patients with Anshun syrup.

绝经妇女,餐后服用3茶匙15ml,一天一次。For post menopausal women, take 3 teaspoonfuls daily, after a meal.

但这样的手术会导致停经,HRT疗法可减轻脸潮红和盗汗等停经症状。HRT can relieve menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats.

研究表明更年期症状的非荷尔蒙疗法包括Non-hormonal approaches to menopausal symptoms the study suggests include

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最近,黑升麻没有作为丰胸草药用来招揽顾客,但是如果你正在体验绝经的苦恼,不妨试试莉芙敏,或许会有帮助。But if you're experiencing menopausal complaints, try Remifemin. It might help.

仍有子宫的更年期女性应同时服用雌激素和孕酮。Menopausal women who still hae a uterus take a combination of estrogen and progestin.

在尼日利亚,性生活更频繁的更年期女性潮热次数更少。Menopausal women in Nigeria experienced fewer hot flashes when they had sex more frequently.

每个人都是不一样的,对于治疗更年期的症状,同一种疗法并不适用于所有的人。Everyone is different, and one size does not fit all when it comes to treating menopausal symptoms.

更年期妇女的人格特征表现为较高的神经质和精神质。The personality characteristic of menopausal women represents the higher neuroticism and psychoticism.

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方法对73例绝经后女性腰椎前后位、侧位骨密度值,作相关性分析。Methods Analyzing 73 menopausal women 's A-P and lateral BMD of lumbar spine to find their correlation.

她的妇产科医生反对她尝试用黑升麻治疗更年期的潮热症状。Her OB-GYN gave her static for trying the herbal remedy black cohosh to deal with menopausal hot flashes.

富含大豆蛋白的食物可以降低胆固醇,并且可能最大限度地减少绝经期热潮增强骨质。Foods high in soy protein can lower cholesterol and may minimize menopausal hot flashes and strengthen bone.

事实上,阳关对激素水平的影响是很显著的,它甚至被用来治疗更年期综合症。In fact, the Yang Guan right hormone levels is significant, it can even be used to treat menopausal syndrome.

绝经前妇女PTH基因多态性频率较绝经后妇女无差异。There was no difference in the polymorphism frequency of PTH gene between the post- and pre menopausal women.

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以上是导致更年期女性头痛的原因,患者可参照上述内容进行自我鉴别。These are the leading cause of headache menopausal women, patients can self-refer to the above identification.

方法利用国外权威数据库,查找相关的黑升麻临床试验的文献,并对其进行分析。And many clinical trials had studied the effective of black cohosh in treating hot flashes in menopausal women.

宜以病人为中心的观点出发,从而提升更年期妇女就医的照护品质。The view should regard patient as the center, thus promote the quality of medical care for the menopausal women.