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缡我眼底的悲伤,除了你谁都看得见。I fundus of sadness, except for you who can see.

追踪观察视力、眼底、患者自觉视野中心暗影是否消失。Changes of vision, fundus and central scotoma were observed.

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12周时可在耻骨联合上触及宫底。At 12 weeks the fundus becomes palpable at the symphysis pubis.

眼底荧光素血管造影显示“双循环”现象。"Double circulation"was showed by fundus fluorescence angiography.

在最常见的情况下,导丝会盘曲在胃底,然后才会进入胃窦。Most commonly, the wire guide coils in the fundus and then exits to the antrum.

利用药物将瞳孔放大以便进行更详细的眼底检查。The use of eye drops to enlarge the pupil for more thorough fundus examination.

眼底的一切便深刻而又单纯地存在每片回忆的净土上。Fundus of everything there is profound and simple memories of each of the Pure Land.

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采用前视型胃镜,利用U型反转法活检胃底病变。Gastric fundus disease was diagnosed by method of U-type reverse gastroscope biopsy.

目的探讨食管胃底静脉曲张的有效治疗方法。Objective To study the curative therapy of varices of esophagus and fundus of stomach.

把探头向头端滑动,如此可以找到胃的基底部。Slide and the transducer cranially, where you will encounter the fundus of the stomach.

采用U型反转胃镜方法活检胃底病变能够提高胃底病变的诊断水平。Gastric fundus disease could be diagnosed by method of U-type reverse gastroscope biopsy.

观察了220例中、重度妊高征患者的眼底情况并进行分析。Methods The fundus of 220 patients with moderate and severe PIH were examined and analyzed.

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目的通过犬动物实验探讨眼底病新的给药治疗方法。Objective To explore treatments of ocular fundus diseases by performing experiments in dogs.

简易环扎术式对RD患者眼底血流无不良影响。Simple ring ligation had no side affect on blood flow of fundus oculi in the patients with RD.

结论观察眼底对判断妊高征病情程度和制订治疗方案有着重要意义。Conclusion The observation of fundus changes is helpful for the diagnosis and treatment of PIH.

目的评价视网膜周边变性近视患者激光光凝术后行LASEK手术的安全性。Objective To evaluate the safty of Lasek on myopic patients with peripheral fundus degeneration.

经过数月至数年的观察,他们俩者都相当健康,眼部检查除眼底外其馀均正常。Both of them were quite healthy and had normal ocular findings except for the unique fundus lesion.

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其中13例有眼球震颤,8例有畏光,7例有轻微、不典型眼底改变。Nystagmus, photophobia and mild ocular fundus changes were found in 13, 8, and 7 cases respectively.

上消化道造影证实在胃的底部有一个外来的压迫物。Upper gastrointestinal series confirmed a extrinsic compression of mass in the fundus of the stomach.

目的探讨复方樟柳碱注射液治疗眼底病疗效。Objective To probe the curative effect of compound Anisodine injection treating ocular fundus disease.