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应用程序无响应或无限期悬挂。An application is unresponsive or hangs indefinitely.

世卫组织明白,我们的管理系统已变得十分僵化,反应迟钝。At WHO, we learned how rigid and unresponsive our management systems have become.

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站在没膝深毫无反应的癞蛤蟆中,他于是宣布大量的“重组”费用。Standing knee-deep in unresponsive toads, he then announces an enormous "restructuring" charge.

上个月,其拥有的四枚间谍卫星中的一颗由于明显的电气故障而停止响应。Last month, one of its four spy satellites became unresponsive due to apparent electrical problems.

大多数老板都不喜欢看到他们的雇员不回复商务电话和信函。Most bosses don't like discovering that their employees are unresponsive to business calls and letters.

约翰拿起它,久久而严肃地看着这件没有反应的薄布料,凯蒂从来没有对他不理不睬过。John took it and looked long and soberly at the unresponsive grenadine. Katy had never been unresponsive.

如果经过大量液体治疗后患者仍无反应,则必须采取相应血型的输血治疗了。If the patient remains unresponsive to bolus IV therapy, type-specific blood may be administered as necessary.

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向妇女提供的照护可能不及时、无效、无同情心或歧视性。The care that women are offered may be untimely, ineffective, unresponsive or discriminatory," the report says

这样,会导致垃圾回收更频繁,而最终将使门户系统停止响应。Thus, garbage collection will occur more frequently, and, finally, the portal system will become unresponsive.

许多应用需要在程序无响应或不可用时及时发出警告。Many applications require that someone be alerted as soon as the application becomes unresponsive or unavailable.

在火狐3中,如果一个脚本十秒内没反应的话,就会给出一个脚本没反应的警告。In Firefox 3, a script is only given 10 seconds to respond, afterwhich it will issue a unresponsive script warning.

我不确定我了解你问题的重心,我不想让你以为我在逃避或不回答你的问题。I'm not sure I understand the thrust of your question, and I certainly don't want to appear evasive or unresponsive.

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在现实生活中,人们因为担心惹麻烦对政治性话题很冷感。In real life, people are worried about creating trouble and so tend to be rather unresponsive to political problems.

华盛顿州某军营惊现一具16岁平民女尸,同时被发现的还有另一个毫无反应的女孩。A 16-year-old civilian girl was found dead and another was found unresponsive in an army barracks in Washington State.

不过与上帝相同的是,瓦格纳对此保持沉默,他对这些异常挑衅的侮辱毫不在意,没有任何反应。Yet like God, Wagner remained distant, emotionally unavailable and unresponsive to all these highly provocative insults.

我们认为膀胱子宫内膜异位瘤经贺尔蒙治疗无效者,手术切除肿瘤是可以施行的有效方法。We conclude that. Surgical treatment is effective in patients with vesical endometrioma who are unresponsive to hormonal therapy.

第二,为了有效控制造成网络拥塞的无响应流,本文提出了一种简单易实现的方法。Second, in order to effectively control the unresponsive flows that cause network congestion, a simple and feasible method is brought up.

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美国的中情局和五角大楼认为ISI太伊斯兰化或对美方的要求反应迟钝,所以巴基斯坦情报机构ISI的所有高级情报人员都受到清洗。Pakistan’s ISI and its military were purged of all senior officers that CIA and the Pentagon deemed too Islamic or unresponsive to US demands.

此外,还对非响应流的检测和控制、路由器支持下的主动队列管理方法进行了研究。In addition, we also did a lot of works on detection and control on unresponsive flows, active queue management under router-supported environment.

一位年轻的护士说,她在给病人服用安眠药时,病人说她感到头晕脑涨然后跌回到了床上,没有了反应。A young nurse spoke up. She had been giving the patient a sleeping pill when the patient said she felt dizzy and fell back on the bed, unresponsive.