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注注释被移到附录A。NOTE Note moved to Annex A.

它想占有耶路撒冷。It wants to annex Jerusalem.

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拔婆跋摩并未兼并扶南。Bhavavarman did not annex Funan.

电源插板,生活用电的必须附件。Life must be electricity in the annex.

详细内容已于合同的附件V中列明。Details are stated in Annex V to the Contract.

设施消防救生设备的有关资料,参见附录F。Data of firefighting and lifesaving, see Annex F.

主楼旁边添造了它的附属建筑物。The annex has been built on to the main building.

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警署北面盖建的新翼大楼正进行地基工程。Foundation works for the new annex have commenced.

附件只按英文本原文照发。The annex is reproduced as received, in English only.

电源插板,生活用电的必须附件。Power flashboard. Life must be electricity in the annex.

加拿大可以依附录300-A获准海关税减免。Canada may grant duty waivers as set out in Annex 300- A.

我们同意遵守印于本表背面的附件条款。We agree to abide by the annex printed on the back of this form.

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在附件厅投资的祖先,清朝的皇帝。In the annex hall in hornor of the ancestors of the Qing emperors.

另一个变身术是将敏感词作为图片附件随电子邮件发出。Another transformer is to annex as sensitive words ase-mail photos.

在附件3中给出了一个EEC型号认可证书的样本。A model for the EEC type-approval certificate is given in Annex III.

突来一阵狂风,白蘑菇云一点点地被乌云“吞并”了,黑压压的。Sudden gust the mushroom cloud, a little black cloud" annex", black.

它们一般多用于各种机床及其附件上。They are generally used for a variety of machine tools and its Annex.

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查来查去,被医生告知是患上了附件炎。Check to look up by doctors told is suffering from a annex inflammation.

WEEE指令附录IB中没有明确列出闪光灯。Flashlights are not listed explicitly in Annex IB of the WEEE Directive.

皱著眉头,乔纳斯走向附属建物。我将问记忆传承者,他决定了。Frowning, Jonas walked toward the Annex. I will ask the Giver, he decided.