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我觉得头晕眼花。I feel dizzy.

啊,我觉得头昏脑胀的。Ah, I feel dizzy.

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啊,我觉得头昏脑涨的。Ah. I feel dizzy.

啊,我觉得头昏脑涨的。Ahh, I feel dizzy.

它使贝西头晕眼花。It made Bessie dizzy.

我开始感到头晕目眩。I began to feel dizzy.

他鳡到很头晕。He's feeling very dizzy.

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不漪东西,天旋地转,。Not ripples thing, dizzy.

你感到虚弱和头晕吗?。D0 you feel weak and dizzy?

我感觉昏眩作呕。I feel dizzy and nauseated.

麻了,但我也有点晕。Yes, but I also feel dizzy.

她头晕目眩,昏倒在地。She becomes dizzy and faints.

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他说华尔滋舞使他头晕。He said waltzes made him dizzy.

不久,他成了头晕目眩和头晕。Soon he became dizzy and faint.

她刚才一阵头昏眼花。She came over all dizzy just now.

老师直接晕死。The teacher is direct dizzy dead.

我们被大风刮的头晕目眩。We were dizzy by the strong wind.

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爬那么高使我感到头晕目眩.Climbing so high made me feel dizzy.

晕车,有什么吃了可以不晕的麽?Carsick , what ate need not dizzy Mo?

命运瞬息万变,令人目眩。Fortunes change with dizzy abruptness.