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在波尔塔演讲期间,泰罗尔做了什么?What does Tyrol do during Baltar's speech?

尼古拉斯·泰罗尔得了什么病?What malady is Nicholas Tyrol suffering from?

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泰罗尔和凯莉造的那个隐形飞船叫什么?Name the stealth ship that Tyrol and Cally built.

在“明年此时”中,凯莉和伽伦·泰罗尔被困在了哪里?Where are Cally and Galen Tyrol trapped in "A Day in the Life"?

噶伦·泰罗尔在“放下你的重担,II”里面做了什么行为?Which action does Galen Tyrol take in "Lay Down Your Burdens, Part II"?

220具遗体被埋在蒂罗尔省霍尔精神病院的一座公共坟墓。The remains of 220 people are buried at a cemetery in Hall in Tyrol province.

当得知道到索尔·泰,泰罗尔和安德斯的赛昂人身份时,谁差点将他们处死?Who nearly executes Tigh, Tyrol and Anders after learning that they are Cylons?

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在“明年再见”这集中,泰罗尔和凯莉在哪里被困,当时氧气泄漏?Where are Tyrol and Cally trapped — with an oxygen leak — in "A Day in the Life"?

除了是赛昂以外,以下的那件事是索尔·泰、泰罗尔、安德斯所共有的特征?Besides being a Cylon, what is one thing that Tigh, Tyrol and Anders all have in common?

在卡拉狄加计划退役的那天,泰罗尔和他甲板的队员如何对阿达玛表示敬意?How do Tyrol and his deck crew honor Adama on the day of the Galactica's decommissioning ?

蒂罗尔州被萨尔茨堡州分成了两个部分。The state is split into two parts called North Tyrol and East Tyrol by the state of Salzburg.

“布玛”·瓦莱里称呼轮机长蒂罗尔为“轮机长”,而非“盖伦”,即使临死时在他臂弯中也是如此。"Boomer" Valerii calls Chief Tyrol by "Chief" instead of "Galen, " even as she dies in his arms.

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在“朱庇特之眼”中,泰罗尔笑言他们得一日三餐吃海藻直到他们找到什么样的星球?In "Eye of Jupiter", Tyrol jokes that they will be eating algae three times a day until they find what kind of planet?

其中面积较大的北蒂罗尔北边是德国巴伐利亚州,南边是意大利和瑞士。North Tyrol is a little bit bigger and borders Bavaria, Germany in the north, and to its south, it borders Italy and Switzerland.

蒂罗尔地图集是一个跨国区域间计划,由蒂罗尔州和南蒂罗尔的波岑自治省共同提供资金支持。The Tirol Atlas is a transnational Interreg-project, co-financed by the Land Tirol and the Autonomous Province of Bozen, South Tyrol.

这首歌一举成功,但很多年来一直不为外界所知,直到一个从提洛尔来送管风琴的人路过村庄时,才注意到了这首歌。Thesong was an immediate success but remained a secret for many years, until an organ delivery man from Tyrol took note of it on his way through the village.

斯特洛曼准备在奥地利蒂罗尔省的山路上戴上黑色的头罩和铁面具来驾驶汽车。Thorsten Strotmann plans to drive the route between Ellmau and Kitzbuehel in the Austrian province of Tyrol wearing a steel mask and a black sack over his head.

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这个地区的人说的是德国的一种方言,但是由于蒂罗尔被分割开来,而南部蒂罗尔变成意大利的一部分,所以这里的地名一般都有意大利文和德文两种名字。The people of this area speak a dialect of German. But since Tyrol was divided and South Tyrol became a part of Italy, all the place names are in both German and Italian.

提洛尔省省长宽泽.布莱特说,他对于这一发现深感震惊,并宣布要组成一个专家小组立即介入调查。Announcing that a commission of experts would be formed shortly to investigate, Guenther Platter, governor of Tyrol province, said he had been "deeply shaken" by the discovery.