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Harebrained的用法最初见于1548年。The first use of harebrained dates to 1548.

跳入冰水这个想法真是愚蠢。Jumping into the icy water was a harebrained idea.

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想念我亲爱的飘忽不定,粗心大意的妈妈。I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother.

我会想念我深爱的、有些古怪轻率的妈妈。I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother.

回头想起来,我对自己欠考虑的计划荒唐事感到可笑。Looking back, I laugh at the harebrained folly of my scheme.

杰克没有很好思考过的筹款的计划是不可行的。Jack's harebrained scheme for raising money is not practicable.

没有人对此抱有信心,这看上去是个愚蠢的、轻率的想法。Nobody had any faith in it. It seemed like a foolish, harebrained idea.

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听雨,听的是一种心境,浮躁的人听不了雨的。Those harebrained people are not in the frame of mood to listen to rain.

我会怀念我的那个深情、反复无常、轻率的母亲。和她的新丈夫。I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother. And her new husband.

我怎么能让我最爱的,不稳定的,轻率的妈妈独自谋生呢?How could I leave my loving, erratic, harebrained mother to fend for herself?

我会想念我爱的那个偏执的、轻率的妈妈…I would miss Phoenix. I'd miss the heat. I would miss my loving, erratic, harebrained mother.

“他想要打造一种新的车款,不过想法太轻率了。”他的同事回答。"He got this harebrained notion he was going to build a new kind of car" his coworker replied.

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正因如此,从很久以前人们就开始琢磨各种偏方,避免可怕的宿醉。Naturally, throughout the ages people have come up with all kinds of harebrained schemes to avoid that dreaded hangover.

不管支持它的证据有多么强而有力,节约能源一直被看作只有头脑发昏的知识分子才抱有的傻瓜般的幻想。No matter how strong the evidence supporting it, conservation was viewed as a harebrained fantasy of fuzzy-headed intellectuals.

虽然hairbrained还在继续使用,但是,既然harebrained是最初的正确拼法,我们就应该避免这种混淆使用的情况。While hairbrained continues to be used, it should be avoided in favor of harebrained which has been established as the correct spelling.

其结果就是大跃进,在这期间因为一些脑抽的想法,比如在你家后院的锅里炼钢,让千百万人饿死。Theresult was the Great Leap Forward, where some tens of millions starved to deathbecause of harebrained ideas such as making steel in your own backyard furnace.

超额的奖金吸引了一大堆愚蠢的提议,以至于为了复查经度可行方案而特别设立的「经度委员会」,在接下来20年内竟然从未召开一次会议。The great reward attracted a deluge of harebrained schemes. Hence, the Board of Longitude, the committee appointed to review promising ideas, held no meetings for more than 20 years.