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让我们请教埃文,薛定谔吧。Let's go to Erwin Schrodinger.

埃文,薛定谔也是澳大利亚人。Erwin Schrodinger also an Austrian.

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假若你去问1926年的薛定谔,“不错的等式,埃尔文。If you went to Schrödinger in 1926 and said, "Nice equation, Erwin.

欧文许爱是欧洲的“工作室玻璃运动”的先锋和倡导者。Erwin Eisch was the pioneer and spiritual father of the 'studio glass movement' in Europe.

北非军团司令埃尔温•隆梅尔将军精明的将这首歌作为了一种鼓舞士气的手段。The Afrikakorps' commander, Gen. Erwin Rommel, shrewdly saw the song as a means to rally his men.

用C写的最后的一个好东西就是舒伯特的第九交响乐。The last good thing written in C was Franz Schubert's Symphony Number 9. -- Erwin Dieterich, programmer

在该ppt中,Erwin解释了在应用程序中管理时间数据的三个不同的方式In the presentation, Erwin explained three different ways of managing the temporal data in an application

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最后,他又和特从度假地赶回来主教练欧文·科曼进行了一次会面。After that, he had a meeting with Feyenoord coach Erwin Koeman, who specially returned from holiday for him.

这就是埃尔文?薛定谔,在这个方程中,他提出,所以,让我们来解释一下。And this is Erwin Schrodinger, and this is the equation that he put forth where we have hat psi being equal to e psi.

我是唯一一个崇拜战地元帅沙漠狐狸埃尔温·隆美尔的人。I was the only one who cited Field Marshal Erwin Rommel, the famed 'Desert Fox, ' as the person from history I most admired.

马尼拉警署发言人,总警司欧文。马蒂亚戈表示,动用武力将是最后的选择。Chief Superintendent Erwin Margarejo, spokesman of the Manila police district, said the use of force would be a "last resort".

加州大学尔湾分校法学院的法律分析员埃尔文.乔姆伦斯基说,亚利桑那移民法一案要得到解决还需要很长时间。Legal analyst Erwin Chemerinsky of the University of California, Irvine, law school says the Arizona case is far from finished.

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欧文说,艾莎告诉印尼当局,她是被人指使去做这次“恶作剧”的,指使他们的人“看上去像日本人或韩国人。”Erwin said Aisyah told Indonesian authorities she was asked to do these "activities" by people who "looked like Japanese or Koreans.

福里斯特研究所的资深分析家布兰·欧文说,"商家需要认识到他们可以信赖销售商和供应商之间的这种途径。"Businesses need to feel they can trust the pathway between them and the supplier,"says senior analyst Blane Erwin of Forrester Research.

福里斯特研究所的资深分析家布兰尼•欧文说,“商家需要相信,他们和供应商之间的交易途径值得信赖”。"Businesses need to feel they can trust the pathway between them and the supplier, " says senior analyst Blanc Erwin of Forrester Research.

Forrester研究所的资深分析家布兰·欧文说,“交易的商家们需要认识到他们可以信赖销售商和供应商之间的这种途径。”"Businesses need to feel they can trust the pathway between them and the supplier, " says senior analyst Blane Erwin of Forrester Research.

但是马惕先生和其他专家说这对患者来说并不都是好事情,因为这样会使制药公司进入癌症药物市场的门槛变得太低。But Mr. Erwin and some other experts say that is not always a good thing for patients because it can set the bar too low for drug companies.

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然而被山谷包围的阿尔文是城市污染物的最终到达地,甚至远在旧金山湾地区的污染物,也会到达这里。However the Erwin surrounded by mountains are the destination for the city pollutants, even the pollutants in San Francisco arrives here too.

1942年9月,由于埃尔温·隆美尔元帅告病假,托马担任“非洲军团”司令,协助隆美尔的继任施图姆将军指挥北非德意联军。In September 1942, Thoma was sent to North Africa to take command of the Deutsches Afrika Korps while General Erwin Rommel was on sick leave.

即使在入侵开始,通用德国埃尔温隆美尔和其他军事领导人都不敢相信,盟军在诺曼底真的攻击。Even after the invasion began, General Erwin Rommel and other German military leaders could not believe that the Allies had really attacked at Normandy.