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要么结束,要么改进。End dit or mend it.

为什么你那么说?Pourquoi t'as dit ça ? Why did you say that?

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仅仅把弱者扶起来是不够的,还要在他站起来之后支持他。DIt is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after.

在双继承理论中,文化的进化依赖于社会学习的进化。In DIT , the evolution of culture is dependent on the evolution of social learning.

人类行为生态学更关心生态过程,而双继承理论更多地侧重于历史过程。HBE is more concerned about ecological process and DIT more focused on historical process.

因此你的脑听到长音摩尔斯讯号的短音长音而且注射袋鼠进入你的思想注意和你说啊HAA!So your brain hears the DAH DIT DAH and injects KANGAROO into your minds eye and you say AH HAA!

DIT首要被半导体供给商用于发卖基准及国家资本规划。DIT basically is used at the sale by semiconductor supplier fiducial reach program of national natural resources.

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为使企业能采用统一的方式管理企业信息库中的各种信息资源,则必须实现MIB和企业目录信息树的集成。In order to manage all the information of interprise DIT, we must implement the integration of MIB and the interprise DIT.

用正庚烷做溶剂,红外光谱法定量测定3,5-二叔丁基甲苯,其方法选择性好、简单、快速。A quantitative analytical method for 3,5 dit butyltoluene in disproportionation reaction mixture by IR spectrum is reported in detail.

在激光陀螺的抖动控制中,用作抖动幅度检测的PZT的灵敏度会随温度变化,从而造成偏频失稳。During the performance of dithered ring laser gyros , bias level will change when the sensitivity of PZT used in measuring dit her amplitude changes.

虽然该书是最畅销的科学书籍,因为其缺乏数学的严谨,它对双继承理论的发展几乎没有影响。Although one of the best-selling science books of all time, because of its lack of mathematical rigor, it had little impact on the development of DIT.

许多人以为普通人的思想活动基本无法和科学家的思想过程想比拟,他们并以为这些思想过程必需经过某中特地锻炼才干控制。And dit is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.

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我的叔父告诉我什么每天,车站正在说然后告诉我关于他的密码听,因此我要求他回应了,而且他告诉我他不曾在整那些数年送了一个摩尔斯讯号的短音。My uncle told me what the station was saying and then told me about his code listening days so I asked him to respond and he told me that he never sent a single dit in all those years.

根据偶极子诱导透明的现象,我们可以有条件地附加单个光子到偶极子的初始量子态,以此实现偶极子-光子的合适编码。In our scheme, the DIT effect can appropriately attach a photon to the state of the dipoles according to their initial state, and in this way, a suitably encoded dipole-photon state is thus prepared.