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尝试发明你自己的指法。Invent your own fingerings.

事实上,我创编了这个练习。That, in fact, I invent this.

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卡姆兰发明了整个事情吗?Did Kamran invent the whole thing?

所以,他们需要创造一个新的术语。So they need to invent a new term.

我的诗神怎么可能缺少主题。How can my Muse want subject to invent.

网飞公司并没有发明任何新技术。Netflix didn't invent any new technology.

是什么导致伽罗瓦发明这条理论?What had led Galois to invent this theory?

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他会当场编造出一些稀奇古怪的货名。He would invent fanciful names on the spot.

挑剔总是比发明更为容易。It is much easier to nitpick than to invent.

是说可以参加赛艇队或发明二十五美元的电脑了。Or you row crew or you invent a 25 dollar PC.

我真希望自己能发明像牛仔裤这样的东西。I wish I could invent something like bluejeans.

皮拉马尔先生想要创造出有巨大影响的新药。Mr Piramal wants to invent new blockbuster drugs.

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因为瓦特并非真正发明蒸汽机的人。For Watt did not actually invent the steam engine.

她嘴唇这么大,抹冻疮膏必须发明喷射装置。Her lips so big, Chap Stick had to invent a spray.

让我们相互讨论以构思一个新计划。Let's put our heads together and invent a new plan.

我们拥有所有的思想和发明创造。That is, we have all the ideas and invent everything.

为什么我呆坐着设计筹划呢?Why do I sit down and devise schemes and invent plans?

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中国能否提出有效的远程学习解决方案?Can China invent effective distance-learning solutions?

他总能搬出新玩意去娱悦小孩子。He can always invent a new game to divert the children.

他们写歌,讲故事,并创造人物角色。They make up songs, tell stories, and invent characters.