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罗塔是一个很小的西班牙城镇。Rota is a very small town in Spain.

罗塔岛以前曾经被日本统治过,这个遗迹就说明了一切。Rota had previously ruled by Japan, the remains of says it all.

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该故障特征在现场诊断时得到验证,并成功应用于现场诊断。This fault characteristics of rota ting stall have been successfully valida ted practical diagnosis.

我们知道这只是这次旅行中许多“最后”中的第一个,还会有最后一夜,最后一个早上,最后的烧烤,最后的清洗轮值等等。We know that this is just the first of the lasts. The last night, last morning, last BBQ, the last washing-up rota.

然后简单地拖拽员工的图标到排班表并且点击打印,一个美观清晰的值班表就创建成功了。Then simply drag employee icons onto the shifts and click print and, hey presto , a beautifully clear rota is created.

就在那个周末,又一支美国海军特遣舰队接到命令,离开西班牙的罗塔港开往黎巴嫩沿海。Finally, over that weekend, a third US naval task force was ordered to sail from Rota in Spain, for the Lebanese coast.

小罗塔直径意味着她旋转非常快,他们是相当多的冰山噪音,但不足以担心。The small rota diameter does mean she spins very fast and their is quite a bit of tip noise, but not enough to worry about.

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小罗塔直径意味着她旋转非常快,他们是相当多的冰山噪音,但不足以担心。Thee small rota diameter does mean she spins very fast and their is quite a bit of tip noise, but not enough to worry about.

关于工作值班表以及团体预算费怎样用产生了许多争吵——一些男人甚至为此拳脚相加。Many rows ensued regarding the work rota and how to spend the community budget – even some punch ups between some of the men.

大家都想在行李上伸展一下身子,所以只能做了一张轮班表。It has been removed to store the baggage but it is so desirable to stretch out on top of the luggage that a rota is put in place.

其次在初始位姿估计的基础上,将各个连杆的运动用螺旋和指数映射表示。Then, twists and exponential maps in robotic manipulation are employed to represent the motion of each link, including the general motion of the base link and the rota.