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此种侵权行为为要承担共同和连带责任。Such tort-feasors are jointly and severally liable.

选手们纷纷亮出各自绝活儿。Players shine to live absolutely severally in succession.

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这类欧元债券还将获得多个国家的联合担保。These bonds would also be jointly and severally guaranteed.

李新茹的孩子们长大后,各自建立起自己的事业家庭。After Li Xinru's children are grown, build oneself career family severally.

于是,在警方的配合下,李大牛和李虎各自执行自己的任务。Then, in police cooperate to fall, li Daniu and Li Hu execute his mission severally.

今操粮草已尽,正可乘此机会,两路击之。Now that their grain is nearly consumed, we should take this chance and strike severally.

连带负履行采购契约及因债务不履行所致之损害赔偿责任。Performance and compensation for damages resulting from non-performance jointly and severally.

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一股份的联合股东可共同或分别支付所催缴的股款。The joint holders of a share Shall be jointly and Severally liable to pay all calls in respect thereof.

保证人为二人以上的,相互之间负连带保证责任。In case there are two or more guarantors, they shall undertake guaranty liabilities jointly and severally.

正是交配繁衍的季节,企鹅美都各自寻找心仪的配偶。Be the season of copulatory multiply, penguin beauty searchs the spouse that admire in the heart severally.

代理人和第三人串通,损害被代理人的利益的,由代理人和第三人负连带责任。An agent and a third party collude to cause damage to the principal are jointly and severally liable therefore.

不知道这个陷阱,外间的机构几番报道,说中国的基尼系数正在危险地上升。Not knowing the pitfalls, outside organizations have severally reported the Gini index of China to be rising dangerously.

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第四部分是展开论述本案被告苏传军是否应对全部债务承担连带责任。The fourth part is the discussion of whether the defendant, Su Chuanjuns'total debt should be jointly and severally liable.

下面重点讲一下冠心病和风湿性心脏病各自伴发的精神障碍。The key tells coronary heart disease and rheumatism sex heart disease to accompany the mental obstacle of hair severally below.

然后研究了影响罗兰C系统和北斗双星定位系统定位精度的主要误差因素,在此基础上并分别讨论罗兰C、北斗双星、无源北斗系统误差模型的建立。By analyzing factors of the Loran-C and Bei-Dou Double Star System, the model of the Loran-C, RDSS and WYBD is established severally.

在接下来的八日里,这对形同寇仇的父子各自回忆起过往的种种。Be in next in 8 days, this pair of form recollect those who remove associate with severally with Kou Chou's father and son a variety of.

发起人对于公司在设立登记前所负债务,在登记后亦负连带责任。The promoters shall, even after incorporation, be jointly and severally liable for debts of the company incurred prior to incorporation.

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每隔几分钟,就有活着的亲人各自来到棺材前,对着玻璃下平静的脸容哭泣。The surviving members of the family came severally every few minutes to the casket and wept above the placid features beneath the glass.

所有相关承运人和机场运营方都有责任及时地、完全地履行合同。All carriers and airport operators involved are jointly and severally responsible for the timely and complete implementation of the agreement.

虽然不同学者得出了正负相关的矛盾结论,但大多数的研究结果认为醇溶蛋白降低面团的稳定性。Though different scholars had severally conflicting conclusion, most of the research results showed that gliadin reduced stability of the dough.