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NA在大鼠CLF所致肝性脑病时明显下降。The content of NA decreases remarkably in CLF encephalopathy.

脑病介绍了与大脑的运作问题。Encephalopathy describes problems with the workings of the brain.

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目的探讨弓形体脑病的MRI表现。Objective To study the MRI features of toxoplasmosis encephalopathy.

目的探讨柞蚕蛹性脑病的临床特征。Objective To explore the clinical features of tussah pupa encephalopathy.

结果20例治疗前伴肝性脑病患者昏迷程度减轻。Results 20 patients with hepatic coma improved in level of encephalopathy.

历史上谁的病人遭受性脑病和昏迷介绍。The history of a patient who suffered encephalopathy and coma is presented.

肝硬化患者中的神经认知障碍被称为肝性脑病。Neurocognitive impairment in liver patients is called hepatic encephalopathy.

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但是,TIPS病人明显经常患有肝性脑病变。However, TIPS patients develop hepatic encephalopathy significantly more often.

目的探讨糖尿病脑病的发病机制。Objective To investigate the pathogenetic mechanism of diabetic encephalopathy.

据此肺性脑病时,低氧血症并不直接参与肺脑的发生。It was considerd that hypoxia played no direct role in pulmonary encephalopathy.

克雅氏病是一种罕见的主要发生在50-70岁之间的可传播的脑病。A rare transmissible encephalopathy most prevalent between the ages of 50 and 70 years.

婴儿痉挛症是一种好发于婴儿时期的难治型痫样脑病。Infantile spasm is a severe epileptic encephalopathy that is quite specific to infancy.

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目的观察复合辅酶治疗肝性脑病的临床疗效。Objective To observe the efficacy of coenzyme complex in treating hepatic encephalopathy.

根据临床及脑波,他被诊断为婴儿早期癫痫脑病变。Early infantile epileptic encephalopathy was diagnosed based on the clinical and EEG features.

条说明了成形模具上,紫外线固化型树脂的应用,图。Experiments of curing encephalopathy with Ultraviolet irradiation of auto-transfused human blood.

在记录在案的2百万多儿童中,总计有452例曾确诊患有脑病。In all, 452 cases of encephalopathy were identified in records from more than 2 million children.

目的探讨迟发性胰性脑病的MRI表现,以提高其诊断水平。Objective To study the MRI findings of delayed pancreatic encephalopathy to improve its diagnosis.

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方法对112例柞蚕蛹性脑病患者的临床资料进行系统分析。Methods The clinical data of the 112 cases of tussah pupa encephalopathy were analyzed systemically.

目的探讨脱髓鞘性脑病的临床表现与病理特征。Objective To investigate the clinical and pathologic characteristics of demyelinating encephalopathy.

目的探讨胆红素脑病仔兔脑组织中氨基酸含量的变化。ObjectiveTo study change of aminoacid content in the brain of newborn rabbits with bilirubin encephalopathy.