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查下,第一通道。Check aisle one.

靠过道的座住全满了。The aisle seats are all booked.

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我看见她在过道边蹦跳着移动。I saw her hobble down the aisle.

我们想买一些酱油,酱油在哪一个走道?Which aisle is the soy sauce in?

我想要过道边的座位。I would like a seat on the aisle.

我们往过道这边来一点Let' s stick in this aisle a bit.

我想我的座位是靠近过道的。I think my seat is near the aisle.

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沿着这条走廊走到底就是。I think our seat is near the centre aisle.

过道由古旧的砖块铺就。The aisle was floored with ancient bricks.

他跟着领座员沿着通道走昔时。He followed the usher down the church aisle.

当我走过婚礼甬道时,我目不转睛地看着基斯。I stared at Keith as I walked down the aisle.

这走道宽得只能够容一人走。The aisle was wide enough for only one person.

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保证过道可容纳或通行搬运工具。Make sure aisle ways can accommodate forklifts.

在农产品的货道的喷雾器又喷到我了。The sprayers in the produce aisle got me again.

能不能给我吸烟区靠过道的座位?Can I have an aisle seat in the smoking section?

穿过每一条走廊,寻遍每一个角落。Go through every aisle and every nook and corner.

走向四号通道,沿通道走五米向左,拿一瓶一加仑装的牛奶然后到收银台付款。Go to aisle four. Walk five meters down the aisle.

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我想要禁烟区过道边的座位。I'd like an aisle seat in the non-smoking section.

如果我把海青后摆拖在走道上就会绊倒他人。If I leave my robe in the aisle others might trip.

往里头走到尽头,右转,在第8走道。Go all the way to the back and turn right, Aisle 8.