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该产业正在迅猛增长。This industry is growing phenomenally.

此基金在投资领域有着卓越的表现It has done phenomenally well in investing.

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这个国家以惊人的速度扩大其商船队。The state has extended her merchant fleet phenomenally.

世博会结束后,上海的污染程度惊人地增长。After the expo, pollution levels have increased phenomenally.

通过填补这一空白,智乐已获得了显而易见的成功。And filling that void has been phenomenally successful for Gameloft.

乔普林灾难救援队表现出色而高效。Joplin's disaster teams have performed phenomenally and efficiently.

科吉人对其文化的认同感非常强烈。The Kogi's identification with their culture is phenomenally strong.

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而保罗的基督运动则是惊人的成功。Paul's Christ Movement, on the other hand, was phenomenally successfully.

人们几乎忘记了,他还创建了一家非常成功的零售连锁店。One almost forgets that he built a phenomenally successful chain of retail stores, too.

不过兔舍是第一个改变而且已经不可思议的开始起了作用。The rabbit hutch is the first to actually come together, and it has worked phenomenally.

生于苏格兰的安妮37岁,最近复出,再度投身于其辉煌的歌唱事业中。Scots-born Annie, 37, has recently re-launched her phenomenally successful singing career.

但如果所有球队都有充足的训练、详尽的比赛计划,又会怎样呢?But what if all the teams are training phenomenally hard and planning every minute of every game?

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美国消灭本·拉登被认为是反恐行动中一个重大的胜利。The US got bin Laden in what has to be considered a phenomenally successful counterterrorism operation.

编码激活与认识你们的身份正变得很激烈。The firing of the codings and the realization of your identity are going to become phenomenally intense.

据埃德•维埃斯图尔斯所说,拉法耶身材短小,但十分健壮,动作非常迅速,绝对是个天才。According to Ed Viesturs, Lafaille was a little guy but phenomenally strong, very, very fast and absolutely gifted.

从那时起,大卫·斯文森投资...,或者说开始管理这笔基金,而且成效相当的明显Since then, David Swensen has invested or has managed the investment of this endowment and it has done phenomenally well.

从那时候起,戴维·斯文森就向基金投资或管理这些投资,并做的确实非常出色。Since then, David Swensen has invested or has managed the investment of this endowment and it has done phenomenally well.

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他们可能会很明显地挑剔未来伴侣,而且能达到很多年一直不给对方承诺的程度。They can be phenomenally picky about prospective partners, to a degree where they put off3 commitment for years and years.

这种堪称现象的规范教育在拉坎泰拉延续着,足球法则与人生价值在这里精巧互换。This phenomenally prescriptive education is continued at La Cantera, where football principles swap neatly for life values.

史奈德认为光是实行京都议定书还不够,但他没有告诉我们其他措施绝对要花更多钱。Schneider tells us that we need to do much more than Kyoto but does not tell us that this will be phenomenally more expensive.