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根据需要重新配置负载平衡器。Reconfigure the load balancer if necessary.

无法加载RAS,请重新配置拨号网络。Can't load RAS. Please reconfigure Dial-Up Networking.

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人保部将重新调整针对个人的保险支付。The Ministry will reconfigure payments for individuals.

我们没有办法重组这部电脑,因为它太旧了。We can't reconfigure this computer because it's too old.

你可以很容易的重新配置CXF,无需操心XML。You can reconfigure CXF easily without mucking with XML.

还可以重新配置这个大纲的默认显示顺序。You can reconfigure the default display order of this outline as well.

如果需要自动重置交换机,也可以再次这么做。You can do this again if necessary to automatically reconfigure the switch.

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但是,您可以远程配置防火墙,这样做就好了,对不对?But hey, you can reconfigure the firewall remotely, that makes it OK, right?

应用程序可以重新配置或扩展这个模型来制作不同的外观。Applications can reconfigure or extend this model to make different presentations.

不管如何部署应用,毋须重新配置应用。There is no need to reconfigure your app based on how you deploy your application.

您需要重新配置您的拨号服务器以便重新启用这个功能。You will need to reconfigure your dial-up server in order to re-enable this feature.

在这个页面上,可以将环境重新配置为支持的任何环境。On this page, you can reconfigure the environment to any of the other supported environments.

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系统管理员可以轻易地使用管理服务器重新安装或配置它们。The system administrator can easily reinstall or reconfigure them using the management server.

整体规划寻求农田与城市开发的传统关系的重新整合。The plan seeks to reconfigure traditional relationships between farmland and urban development.

这促使我们对公司的攻关目标重新调整,我们开始研究如何利用干细胞为心脏病人的治疗提供帮助。That led us to reconfigure the company to investigate using the cells for heart attack patients.

它会动态地吸收新知识,而不需要对系统进行重新配置或重新训练。It incorporates new knowledge on the fly, without the need to reconfigure or re-train the system.

你需要重新配置客户商“DC”,因为它的卷已经被重格式化过了,你可以做以下任一种操作。You need to reconfigure the client "DC" because its volumes have been re-formatted. You may either.

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由于新创建的链接中不存在这样的信息,所以需要重新配置链接的属性表。Reconfigure the link's property sheet since this information does not exist for the newly created link.

如果我们需要修改执行给定控制器的路径,就需要对代码结构重新进行配置。If you need to change the path that executes a given controller, you need to reconfigure your code structure.

重新配置它自己,模仿它,但是你想用一些文字,这就会改变它运算的方式。Reconfigure itself, emulate it, however you want to use the words, it's going to change how it does the computation.