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惠勒先生是个什么人物?Who was Mr. Wheeler?

惠勒就没有你的资料。Wheeler has no record of you.

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物理学由惠勒教授教。Physics is taught By Professor Wheeler.

马宏请求惠勒帮助他们来对抗“公司”。Mahone asks Wheeler to help with The Company.

同时,马宏看着兰和惠勒争论。Meanwhile, Mahone watches as Lang and Wheeler argue.

杜绍麟,董事总经理,罗申美税务咨询有限公司。Dicky To, Managing Director, RSM Nelson Wheeler Tax Advisory Ltd.

“黑洞”这个词汇是由理论物理学家约翰•惠勒创造的。The expression “black hole” was coined by theoretical physicist John Wheeler.

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一百一十六岁的惠勒命运来自乔治亚州谁想上大学。Destiny Wheeler is a sixteen year old from Georgia who wants to go to college.

马宏用铁管打碎了车窗,从车里跳出逃走。Mahone smashes the car window with the pipe and he escapes from Wheeler and Lang.

尼恩、波尔和惠勒以惊人的速度发表了裂变的动力过程的理论。Niels Bohr and John Wheeler published a theory of the dynamic process of fission.

惠勒说,“这是我所知道的最显著的蜂群层面的淘汰。”“It’s the most striking example of colony-level selection I know of, ” Wheeler said.

在门口,我碰上了那个见面熟的威勒回来了,他拽着我又打开了话匣子。At the door I met the sociable Wheeler returning, and he buttonholed me and recommenced.

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这发生在美国天文学家约翰·韦勒给出“黑洞”这个术语两年之后。That was 2 years later after the American astronomer John Wheeler coined the term "Black hole".

他和惠勒认为这是一种浪费能源的对待所有水了饮用水的标准。Both he and Wheeler believe it is a waste of energy to treat all water up to drinking standards.

惠勒说,蜂巢的超级有机体,是从普通昆虫有机体大众中“涌现”出来的。Wheeler said the superorganism of the hive "emerges" from the mass of ordinary insect organisms.

马宏请求惠勒帮助他们来对抗“公司”。他打电话给迈可,迈可说他们马上就会拿到“锡拉”。Mahone asks Wheeler to help with The Company. He calls Michael, who says they are getting Scylla.

考虑到公司的地理位置,惠勒认为,独木舟和。Given the location, Mr Wheeler believes canoes and kayaks are a logical extension of this philosophy.

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同时,马宏征得惠勒和兰的同意,去公路旁的一个洗手间方便,他偷偷在水池上卸下了一根铁管。Meanwhile, Mahone slips away from Wheeler and Lang to a roadside stop restroom. He takes a pipe from the sink.

我们一直关注着专业的裁判和年龄的适宜性。"Our concerns were about the professional judgment and age appropriateness, " said spokeswoman Maureen Wheeler.

安息吧,帕特丽西亚·韦勒。感谢你如此英勇地活过这令我们受益匪浅的一生。Rest in peace, Patricia Wheeler. Thank you for living a life so bold and teaching us so many lessons along the way.