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纳瓦霍语远离了孤独。Navajo is far from alone.

白色的外皮便于装修。Paintable Navajo White jacket.

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直到今天仍旧有很多纳瓦霍人住在Hogan里。Many Navajo still live in hogans today.

其中的一个是那维何部族的一员。One of them was a member of the Navajo Nation.

那瓦霍语则有三或四种方式来表达过去时态。Navajo has three or four ways of expressing the passive.

印第安传统纳瓦霍人的家是一个用泥巴盖封起来的树桩,人们一般称之为“Hogan”。The traditional Navajo home is a mud-covered log hut called a hogan.

她生长于亚利桑那州纳瓦霍保留区,父母是教师。She grew up on Navajo reservations in Arizona, the daughter of two teachers.

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纳瓦霍人的一首宗教歌曲告诉人们第一所Hogan是如何被狼神建造出来让人们使用的。A Navajo religious song tells how the first hogan was built for man by the god Coyote.

北亚利桑那州的美国印第安部落认为这种进入纳瓦霍土地的行为很可怕。Northern Arizona American-Indian tribes believe this gorge on Navajo land to be sacred.

随即,这批人来到了加利福尼亚海滨的Pendleton营地进行创建纳瓦霍密码的工作。Then, at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, California, this first group created the Navajo code.

在纳瓦荷语中,同一个音用不同的四个声调说出来就代表了不同的意思。In Navajo , the same word spoken with four different inflections has four different meanings.

她说,基德曼一定从来没有对她说起过人们对于用纳瓦霍语说话的投诉。She says the Kidmans never told her there had been complaints about things being said in Navajo.

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某天,一位纳瓦伙族老人和他儿子遇见正在岩石间穿行的航空工作人员。One day, a Navajo elder and his son came across the space crew, who were walking among the rocks.

峡谷是独一无二的美国国家公园,它是完全由纳瓦霍部落信任土地,仍然是一个纳瓦霍人社区。S. national parks—it is composed entirely of Navajo Tribal Trust Land, which remains home to a Navajo community.

过去的数百年里,当北美其他的印第安部落都纷纷消失时,纳瓦霍部族却得以延续并且人口超过了三十万。While other tribes have disappeared from North America over the centuries, the Navajo Nation has done the opposite.

很多纳瓦霍人仍然延续着传统的风俗,他们住在泥土和圆木结构的房屋里,信奉部落的宗教。Many Navajo still carry on traditional customs, living in earth-and-log structures and practicing the tribal religion.

在美国国家航天局准备阿波罗航天计划时,他们让宇航员们去亚利桑那州纳瓦伙族保留区进行训练。When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project, it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation in Arizona for training.

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纳瓦霍民族有它们自己的族长,法律,部落政府以及尽职尽责的警力。The Navajo Nation has its own elders, laws, tribal government, and police force that is vigilant at enforcing speed limits.

我在瓜达卡奈尔岛、塔拉瓦岛、塞班岛、提尼安岛作过战,“他说,”纳瓦霍密码语者也要扬名历史了。“"I fought in Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Saipan and Tinian, " he says. "The Navajo code talkers are going to be something in history.

游客在亚利桑那州下羚羊峡谷一个狭窄的峡谷里拍下纳瓦霍砂岩的照片。Tourists take pictures, surrounded by the Navajo Sandstone colors, inside the Lower Antelope Canyon slot canyon in Page, Arizona.