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不,他们都在意大利。No, loro stanno tutti in Italia.

出去为意大利吹吧,为意大利人吹吧。Go out there and lie for Italy. Lie for Italia.

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而且我们在意大利杯的比赛中还有这个机会。And we have the chance to do that in the Coppa Italia.

我有意大利频道,所以看了很多意大利节目。I have Italian TV at home , so I watch that a lot on Italia Une.

我对这样的传闻并不感到吃惊,”维亚利告诉意大利天空体育。I'm not surprised by those odds, " Vialli told Sky Sport Italia."

意大利摩瑞斯公司是一家专业的液压设备制造厂商。MORIS Italia S. r. l. is professional producer of hydraulic equipment.

这一点从球队在对诺瓦拉的意大利杯赛上的表现就看出来了。This was shown by the team's attitude in the Coppa Italia against Novara.

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“续约工作即将完成。”大卫。里皮,马塞罗。里皮的儿子,告诉意大利天空体育。"We're almost there, " Davide, the son of Marcello Lippi, told Sky Italia.

“杯赛冠军将留在我们这。”前莱切前锋向罗马球迷宣称。"The Coppa Italia remains with us, " the former Lecce player told the Roma fans.

“我激烈地抗议,但我没有侮辱到任何人,”巴尔扎雷蒂告诉意大利天空电视台。"I protested vehemently, but I did not insult anyone, " Balzaretti told Sky Italia.

希望在意大利杯对阵乌迪内斯的比赛时我能复出吧。I hope to be available for the Coppa Italia match against Udinese. I remain confident.

“我们是高昂着头离开欧冠赛场的,”亚昆塔对意大利天空体育说。"We left the Champions League with our heads held high, " Iaquinta told Sky Sport Italia.

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但是米兰并没有退却,至少如果意大利天空体育是值得相信的话。However, the Rossoneri have not backed down, at least if Sky Sport Italia are to be believed.

“我已经准备好成为尤文图斯的一员了,我等不及下个赛季的比赛了,”吉奥文科告诉意大利天空体育台。"I am ready for Juventus and I can't wait until next season, " Giovinco told Sky Sport Italia.

迭戈带来大量的变异,以及他的得分将会很多,”阿尔告诉意大利天空体育。Diego brings in plenty of variation and he will score plenty, " Altafini told Sky Sport Italia."

对于赵孙两家的事情,他了解的并不太多,只。For the happening of Zhao Sun Liang, he understands of incorporate not that numerous, Ugg italia.

意大利天空体育现在报道米兰今早已经出发前往巴塞罗那。Sky Sport Italia now report that Milan have left for Barcelona from Malpensa airport this morning.

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在来到尤文的第一个赛季,里皮就带领球队赢得了联赛和意大利杯的双冠。In his first year, Lippi won the Scudetto and the Coppa Italia and lost the UEFA Cup final to Parma.

ESA声称在2009年12月已和意大利亚太空公司达成技术合作协议。ESA announced an agreement with Thales Alenia Space Italia in December 2009 to develop the technology.

“我认识安吉洛已经很久了,我们一起分享了很多东西,”布冯在意大利天空电视台说道。I have known Angelo for a long time and we have shared many things together, " Buffon told Sky Italia."