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你只是大雷达上波动着的一个小红点。You are but a tiny blip on a giant radar.

我不要说这一切只是谈论一丁点儿在我的生命中。I don’t say all this just to talk about a blip in my life.

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随后,飞机被领航到目标标志点显示在屏幕中心的那个位置。The aircraft was then brought into a position where the blip was central.

这看起来是指一个Blip所包括的实际的字符,文本和文件。This seems to refer to the actual characters, words, and files associated with a blip.

竞选活动开始之初,住房危机还未成为政治领域关注的焦点。At the start of the campaign, the housing crisis was only a blip on the political radar.

比如Congdon在blip.tv的博客,就是由Dove和一家视频聊天社区Paltalk所赞助的。Congdon's blog, for example, is sponsored by Dove and Paltalk, a video chat community.

是否这意味着“像素战”的终结和新的趋势还有待观察。Whether this is minor blip in the megapixel wars or part of a growing trend remains to be seen.

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如果对健康状况监视过于敏感,那么网络中最小的波动都可能会触发警报。If your health monitoring is too sensitive, the smallest blip in the network might set off alarms.

Congdon已经在blip.tv上的一个博客发表了许多关于环境问题和政治事件的评论。Congdon has covered environmental issues for a regular blog on as well as political events.

或许美国在后冷战时代的主导地位,不过是再次走向相对衰落之前的回光返照。Perhaps America's post cold-war dominance was just a blip before the resumption of relative decline.

搬到中国之后,我从来没想过我在参加投票方面会跟以往有什么不同。When I moved to China it never occurred to me that it would be more than a blip in my voting record.

这些数目意味着我们对政治定位的深刻反思,还是仅仅代表一种迹象?Do these numbers indicate a profound rethinking of our political orientation or are they just a blip?

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与这场地震相比,神户大地震的里氏等级或者其他任何等级,简直都不足挂齿。This will make the Kobe quake look like a blip on the Richter scale -- or pretty much any other scale.

这两封信是知识分子心电图上的一条线,它显示出生命迹象微弱。The two letters were a blip on the intelligentsia's cardiogram, which had been showing few signs of life.

iFrame小工具在你的消息中嵌入一个iFrame,能显示你所选择的任一网页。The iFrame gadget embeds an iFrame in your blip that can display any web page you choose, as shown in Figure 7-7.

这可能只是个小小的统计学问题──就像零售商总爱说“因为天气不好,顾客都不出门”。Well, it could be just a statistical blip ─ 'bad weather kept buyers at home' as the retailers are fond of saying.

想想对冲基金刚出现时,差不多20或25年前,它就像雷达屏幕上的一个小点Think about the advent of hedge funds -twenty or twenty-five years ago, hedge funds were a blip on the radar screen.

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弗莱彻认为1比4输给利记,0比2输给富勒姆是“昙花一现”,而埃夫拉觉得是个“意外”。Darren described the 4-1 loss to Liverpool and 2-0 defeat at Fulham as a "blip" while Patrice used the word "accident.

安装完一个小工具扩展项后,可在编辑信息的任何时候点击新按钮,插入那个小工具。When a gadget extension is installed, you can click the new button any time you're editing a blip to insert that gadget.

从失望的大一强烈反弹,6尺11诺阿在这个赛季后半段成为NBA选秀大热门。The 6-foot-11 Noah rebounded big from a disappointing freshman year to become a big blip on NBA radar late in the season.