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开进防波堤的入口即为指示。Proceed to entrance of breakwater for orders.

在防波堤后面挖泥船正在工作。Back of the breakwater the dredger was working.

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巨浪将一艘大船高高卷起,撞向防浪堤。High waves rolled the boat, crashed into the breakwater.

施泰纳和艾尔丝呆在港口防波堤的顶端。Steiner and Ilse were at the very end of the breakwater.

这也起到了防浪堤的作用并且保护岛屿不被海水侵蚀。This acts as a breakwater and protects the islands from the sea.

已通过防波堤进口,我们船正小心地驶往锚地。Passed entrance of breakwater. We are navigating toward anchorage with caution.

防浪堤的设计是建立在工程学研究建议的基础上的。The design of the breakwater was based on the recommendations of an engineering study.

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围堤结构的波浪模型试验,是围堤设计的重要手段之一。Wave model test of embankment structure is one of the important means of breakwater design.

弧面格型结构防波堤是一种新开发的防波堤结构型式。The curve face celluar structure breakwater is a new developed structure type of breakwater.

可以预期这种创新型式的防波堤将有良好的应用前景。It is expected that this innovation type of breakwater will have good prospect of application.

在计算堤后绕射中,采用了堤上薄膜水的方法。In the computation of wave diffraction, thin layer of water is employed to simulate the breakwater.

直立式防波堤是最常用的海工建筑物之一,作用于它的主要荷载是波浪力。Vertical breakwater is one of typical maritime structures, which is mainly subjected to wave forces.

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还探讨了多向随机波浪在斜坡式防波堤上的反射面位置问题。The reflection line position of multi-directional random wave on sloping breakwater is also discussed.

在宫城县气仙沼市,有一艘大船被海啸冲开并撞进一处防浪堤。A large ship swept away by the tsunami rammed into a breakwater in Kesennuma city in Miyagi prefecture.

本文抛弃均质渗流假定,对抛石防波堤内波浪运动的问题进行了研究。This paper studies the wave motion in rubble mound breakwater by discarding the homogeneous assumption.

第二部分则利用实测的波浪数据设计并计算了一个沉箱式防波堤实例。In the second section, a caisson breakwater is designed and calculated on the basis of measured wave data.

下一步要借助于GPS,建筑者在防浪堤内部小心抽取沙土,堆成16片棕榈叶的形状。Then, assisted by GPS, they pumped sand inside the breakwater to carefully form the 16 fronds of the palm.

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通过模型试验,对离岸堤的淤积性能有了进一步的认识。By the mobile bed model test, some understanding about the function of the offshore breakwater is obtained.

利用护面块体做防波堤的护面层是世界各地广为采用的方法。The use of rubble mound breakwater for slope revetments and breakwater, is adopted everywhere in the world.

模拟了规则波与半圆堤的作用过程,结果表明,单点数模波压力过程与物模实测结果符合良好。Interaction process of regular waves with semi-circular breakwater is simulated by the numerical wave flume.