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每天都像满天星一样快乐。Every day as happy as Gypsophila paniculata.

这里传统名花有康乃馨、玫瑰、满天星等。Here are the traditional flowers of carnations, roses, Gypsophila paniculata, and so on.

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采用响应面方法对唾液链球菌嗜热亚种增殖培养基进行了优化。We investigated proliferation culture of Gypsophila paniculata by using a raft method in a 2.

这里传统名花有康乃馨、玫瑰、满天星等。Carnation, Narcissus, Gypsophila paniculata, lily and so particularly sensitive to ethylene gas.

那边是个客栈,长满苔藓的门口是一簇簇的天竺葵,半边莲和攀缘着的满天星。Over there is the inn, with its moss-lined baskets of geraniums , lobelia and gypsophila hanging by the door.

在照度相同、光质不同的条件下,比较各种光质对缕丝花试管苗生长发育的影响。Under light of different quality with a similar irradiance, test tube seedlings of Gypsophila elegans were compared.

以重瓣丝石竹无菌苗营养芽为材料,研究了重瓣丝石竹试管花的直接诱导及其影响因子。Flowers in vitro have been induced directly from shoots of Gypsophila paniculata L. Cytokinin is a decisive factor for flowering in vitro.

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对满天星正常组培苗和玻璃化苗的过氧化物酶和酯酶活性及同工酶进行了比较研究。In this paper, we compare the activities and isozymes of peroxidase and esterase between the normal and vitrified shoots of Gypsophila paniculate.

在新疆境内本属植物的区系地理成分主要是亚洲中部的草原和荒漠成分。The floral geographical elements of the plants of Gypsophila in Xinjiang are mainly composed of the elements of steppe and desert of Central-asia.

用无病毒满天星的带芽茎段作为外植体,研究其组培试管苗生长协调性。By using segments of the stems with buds of non virus Gypsophila paniculata as explants, the growth harmonization of the young plants cultured in test tube has been studied.

在马铃薯、菊花和满天星的发根阶段研究了用自来水代替蒸馏水、白糖代替蔗糖的可行性。The feasibility of tap water replacing distilled water, white sugar replacing sucrose when making medium for potato, chrysanthemum, and Gypsophila paniculata during their rooting period was studied.