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动物在清创术后4或20周接受了安乐死。Animals were euthanized at 4 or 12 weeks after debridement.

并根据该实验提出骨髓腔清创术的概念。Morover, to refer to the concept of marrow cavity debridement based on this.

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积极地清疮手术与使用广效性抗生素为目前主要治疗方法。Early aggressive debridement and empiric antibiotic use are the primary treatment.

本文报告二例应用早期开胸清创术治疗脓胸病人。This article reports two cases of empyema cured by debridement with early thoracotomy.

创伤缝合法犬的创伤在经清创术后很多都可密闭缝合。Trauma suture the wounds of the dogs by debridement can be confined after many suture.

使用抗生素和破伤风类毒素,以及坏死组织的清创术治疗开放伤口Treat open wounds with antibiotics, tetanus toxoid, and debridement of necrotic tissue

开放性损伤平战时多见,清洗伤口和清创术是处理关键。The emergency operative treatment of wound after injury is based on flushing and debridement.

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两个病人术后引起的伤口感染,在清创和换药之后,也都顺利痊愈。Two patients with post-operative wound infection healed after debridement and wound dressing.

延迟营救、延迟筋膜切开术和紧急清创术可能使预后恶化。Delayed rescue, delayed fasciotomy, and radical debridement may worsen the physical prognosis.

清创术是初期外科处理口腔颌面创伤的主要手段。Debridement is one of the main means in primary management of the oral and maxillofacial trauma.

第一个病例在紧急清创术后73天因严重的败血症死亡。Due to severe sepsis, the first patient died on day 73 after emergent fasciotomy and debridement.

为正确诊断,外科扩疮术并组织学及细菌学检查是必要的。Surgical debridement and histologic and bacteriologic studies are essential to make the diagnosis.

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为提高开放伤的冲洗、清洗伤口的效率,研制出了清创肢体牵引架。To improve the irrigation effect of open injury, the debridement limb traction frame was invented.

早期澈底的外科清创及给予适当的抗生素治疗对于预后更是特别重要。Thorough surgical debridement and antibiotics therapy according to the tissue culture should be given.

结果13例一期闭合伤口的患者中2例出现伤口部分皮肤坏死,清除坏死皮肤经十余天换药后伤口闭合。Results 13 cases treated with debridement and direct closure, 2 of them was skin necrosis in part wound.

目的探讨开放性颅脑损伤早期清创与预后的关系。Objective To study the relation between early stage debridement and prognosis after the open head injury.

探讨病灶清除植骨内固定术治疗脊柱结核的疗效。To explore the cure effect of debridement and bone?transplantation internal fixation on spinal tuberculosis.

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方法外伤性拇指缺损清创后采用游离第二足趾移植一期再造拇指。Methods Traumatic defect of thumb was reconstructed with second toe transplantation after thorough debridement.

目的观察菠萝蛋白酶软膏用于豚鼠三度实验性烧伤的酶溶痂作用。Objective To investigate the enzymatic debridement effect of bromelain ointment on guinea pigs with third-degree burns.

目的探讨关节镜下滑膜切除关节清理术治疗类风湿性关节炎的临床疗效。To assess the effectiveness of treatment of synovectomy and joint debridement underarthroscope to rheumatoid arthritis.