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最近十几年来,村落面积基本上是成倍甚至几倍地增长。Come ten years recently, dorp area basically is twice grows severalfold even.

国外股票的市盈率很低,最少的只有几倍。The city of foreign stock is filled with rate is very low, least only severalfold.

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现在戴先生他们的房子已经升值,戴先生的工资也翻了几倍。Now Mr Dai their house has appreciated, the salary of Mr Dai also broke up severalfold.

比原工艺提高几倍,产品质量稳定,还节省了厂房面积。Rise than former technology severalfold , product quality is stable, still saved workshop area.

因为,突发事件的搜索量已经超过了,该地区的搜索量的几倍。Because, the search quantity of sudden incident had exceeded, what the search of this area measures is severalfold.

氡浓度比没有使用温泉水时高出几倍甚至几百倍。There radon concentrations will severalfold to hundred times increasing when using spring water in the hotel rooms.

一棵蘑菇最多也就3块钱,假如把它们切成5片、8片,它的价格便会翻几倍甚至几十倍。A dawdle is most also with respect to 3 money, if cut them 5, 8, its price can break up severalfold even a few times.

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据称,这里的展品数量也和兔子的繁殖数量一样,呈几倍的速度增长。Purportedly, the amount of exhibitions here are also same as the amount of rabbits, which is increasing at the rate of severalfold.

在有我们参与的每个市场上,我们都会以是电子商务业务好几倍的速度增长。On every market that we are participated in, we are met grow in order to be the speed with very severalfold business of electronic business affairs.

在他看来,“起点被纳入盛大之后,注册用户数在几年内翻了几倍,这正是互补带来的好处”。Look in him, "Start is brought into royal later, register user number to be in a few years varus severalfold , this is complementary brought profit ".

他平时最大的爱好就是上网,经常在网上下载一些木马病毒,再以几倍甚至几十倍的价格出售。He at ordinary times the largest interest gets online namely, often download virus of a few trojans on the net, again with severalfold even the price of a few times sells.