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不能硬挺的。Can not be starched.

我的衣服浆得不够硬。My clothes are not starched enough.

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这些衬衫要浆得适中。I want these shirts medium starched.

这套夜礼服浆一浆再熨。This ceremonial dress is to be starched and pressed.

父亲的沉重的浆硬的衬衫也是一个问题。Father's heavily starched shirts too, were a problem.

她穿一件刚刚浆洗熨烫过的白色衬衣。She wore a freshly laundered and starched white shirt.

他穿笔挺的白衬衫,胸袋有两支笔。His starched white shirt has two pens in the breast pocket.

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用于加固书本封皮或合订本书脊的浆硬加厚织布。Starched reinforced fabric used to strengthen a book binding or the spine of a bound book.

回宿舍后我悄悄地将体弱多病或没有劳动习惯的同学的衣服,统而括之浆洗干净。I infirmity or habits of the students did not work clothes, including integration of starched and clean.

我们打开了土耳其葡萄酒,铺开洗得特别干净、浆烫过的床单准备入睡。We cracked open our bottle of raki, lay out our super-clean, starched bed linen, and settled in for the night.

他在麻布围裙里面穿一件深色天鹅绒夹克衫,配一条灯芯绒裤子,扎着皮绑腿,里面穿一件浆洗过的白衬衫。Under his linen milking-pinner he wore a dark velveteen jacket, cord breeches and gaiters, and a starched white shirt.

她穿着灰洋布的衣服,裙子拖在一尘不染的地板上,胸前围着一条硕大无朋的、浆得发硬的套头白围裙。Her dress was grey calico, its skirts brushing the spotless floor, in front protected by an enormous starched white apron.

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1903年奥维尔·莱特进行人类第一次有动力飞行的时候穿的是打着领结的白色立领衬衣套装。Orville Wright wore a suit and tie and a white shirt with starched collar when he made man's first powered flight in 1903.

"大人,欢迎光临",身着粉红服装的女服务员一边说着一边向来客深鞠躬,同时,把双手合放在古板的围裙上。"Welcome, Master," says the maid as she bows deeply, hands clasped in front of a starched pinafore worn over a pink dress.

要把衣服和床单洗得这么干净,必须把它们在洗衣盆里彻底地用力搓洗,用碱水漂洗,浸泡后在大锅里煮,还要浆,然后还要熨。For the clothes and bedclothes to come out so clean, they had to be soaked, boiled in an enormous pot, starched , then ironed.

白浆中的两个同胞姐妹线帽默默他们告别,虽然孩子唱“我的肯塔基老家”。Two lines of fellow sisters in starched white bonnets silently bid them farewell, while the novices sang "My Old Kentucky Home."

在那硬挺的衬衫和短发的掩藏下,他的情感和理智是同情民权运动,并且希望和平解决这个问题的。Underneath his starched shirt and short hair were a heart and a brain that sympathized with the peace and civil rights movements.

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只有西装和外套需要干洗,我明天晚上就需要这件衬衣,还有衣服的袖口和领子要上浆。Only the suit and coat are to be dry-cleaned. I want to have my blouse tomorrow evening. And I'd like the collar and cuffs starched.

何况他那爱自由的天性也受不了这种压抑,跟他那脖子受不了浆硬了的枷锁十分相像。Also, his love of freedom chafed against the restriction in much the same way his neck chafed against the starched fetter of a collar.

穿着多民族服装的威尔士女孩增添了节日喜气,她们戴着黑色的高帽,穿着鲜红的裙子,系着上了浆的白围裙。The Welsh girls contribute to the festival gaiety with their national dress-a tall black hat, a scarlet skirt and a starched white apron.