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应该建立特留份制度,完善我国遗嘱继承制度。Portion system should be established to improve the system of intestate succession.

他死没有遗嘱的和每种尝试追踪他的家庭任何的成员已经流产的和不成功的。He died intestate and every attempt to trace any member of his family has proved abortive and unsuccessful.

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从遗嘱继承制度和无遗嘱继承制度的相关方面可了解这一变迁。The thesis analyses the tendency in correlative aspects of testamental succession and intestate succession.

未立遗嘱死亡的情况有严格的指导方针,换句话说,如果未立遗嘱。There are strict guidelines that must be followed if someone dies intestate – in other words without a will.

我的顾客死了无遗嘱并且到他的家庭的任何成员已经证明不成功并且没有成功的踪迹的每尝试。My Client died intestate and every attempt to trace any member of his family has proved unsuccessful and abortive.

在进一步调查,我们发现,阿尔弗雷德是一个位于中国内地,这意味着他没有立遗嘱意外。On further enquiries we found out that Alfred was involved in an accident in Mainland China , which means he died intestate.

即在死者没有对财产分配作出任何决定的情况下,根据法律规定的来分配遗产的方式。The second deals with intestate succession i. e. the mode of distribution prescribed by law in default of any provision made by the deceased.

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对于一个家庭来说,未留遗嘱就去世可能带来灾难性的后果。几乎没有哪种灾难能够立一份遗嘱就可以轻松便宜地防止。Dying intestate -- without a will -- can be catastrophic for the family left behind. And few disasters can be so easily and cheaply prevented.

通过对我国法定继承制度的探析,指出我国法定继承制度中存在的问题以及如何对它的完善。This paper makes a probe into the system of intestate succession in China, pointing out some existing problems and attempting to find ways to perfect.

一个普遍的误解是,如果你死时未留遗嘱,你最亲近的亲戚将决定遗产如何分配。It is a common misconception that if you die intestate – in other words without making any will – then your closest relatives will decide how assets are split.

在远房亲属的程度上来说,未立遗嘱人的继承者就是指他们的父母或其他祖先。这些继承者将根据他们持有的股份而得到他们本应得到的份额。Descendants of the intestate to the remotest degree stand in the place of their parent or other ancestor, and take according to their stocks the share which he or she would have taken.