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一个以地球为中心的轨道是什么?。Q. What is a geocentric orbit?

说明地心不垂直与地球表面。Geocentric not with the vertical surface of the Earth.

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天文学家过去认为地球是世界的中心。Astronomers used to think that the universe was geocentric.

托勒密的地心说已被认为是一个范式例子。Ptolemy's geocentric theory has been taken as an example of a paradigm.

曾经盛行的托勒密地心说体系里的行星轨道就是外旋轮线。The orbits of planets in the once popular geocentric Ptolemaic system are epitrochoids.

接着便是“三心堂”,所为三心及天心、地心、人心。Then the "three heart Tong", which is three days heart and mind, geocentric , the people.

亚里士多德,哥白尼敢于怀疑的怀疑论“地心说”只创建了一个新的“日心说。”Aristotle, Copernicus dared to doubt the theory of suspicion"geocentric"only created anew"heliocentric.

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这是一个简化的模型,说明地心说和日心说可以得到相同的观察结果。This is a simplified model for showing the same observation in geocentric model and heliocentrism. Blue ball means Earth.

当人的视线与向地心垂线的夹角为115度角左右时,人的颈部肌肉最放松。When people's attention to the geocentric and the vertical angle of 115 degrees around, most people on the neck muscles relax.

许多人相信太阳绕地球旋转,即古希腊学者Ptolemy于公元150年建立的地心说。Many believed the sun revolved around the Earth, with ancient Greek scholar Ptolemy formalizing this "geocentric" model in 150.

以托勒密的地心说为例,分析了错误理论产生的历史必然性及其科学价值与历史作用。Based on the geocentric theory of Ptolemaios, this paper chiefly analyzes the scientific value and historic function of the Wrong theory.

这个发生在地心系统的事件,标志了北半球春天的开始和南半球秋天的第一天。Known as the equinox, the geocentric astronomical event marks the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere and autumn in the south.

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又利用行星之地心真黄经的理论模型,探讨了中国古代行星算法模型的天文意义。According to its theoretical model of the true geocentric longitude, the astronomical meaning of planetary theory in ancient China is revealed.

这张照片记录下了在芬兰北部拉普兰德的Kaunispää山的北极圈的天空中将近午夜时分发生的以地球为中心的天文现象。This picture of the geocentric celestial event above the Arctic Circle was taken near midnight from northern Finland's Kaunispää Hill in Lapland.

大地纬度的解算是从地心直角坐标到大地坐标变换的关键,通常都用采用迭代法实现。The computing of latitude is the key of geodetic coordinate transformation from geocentric coordinate which conventionally uses iterative methods.

给出了一种由地心坐标到大地坐标的近似算法,这种算法非常简单,但它的精度可以满足一般地学研究的需要。We derived an approximate algorithm from geocentric to geodetic coordinates. The algorithm is very simple, but its accuracy can satisfied general geo-science research.

希腊天文学家,曾绘制己知的最早的星象图,其中包括了850颗星星的位置,他对天空的观察奠定了托勒密的地心宇宙论的基础。Greek astronomer who mapped the position of 850 stars in the earliest known star chart. His observations of the heavens form the basis of Ptolemy's geocentric cosmology.

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针对地球质心运动主要是由多种周期运动叠加的特点,依次讨论了谱分析方法中的AR模型谱分析和小波谱分析方法。In allusion to the characteristic that Geocentric Motion is piled up by several periodic motions, the spectral analysis by wavelet and AR were discussed in turn in this paper.

此外,目前许多城市的地方坐标系统与国家坐标系统之间缺乏精确严格的换算关系。Moreover, the local coordinate systems in the cities of our country lack in direct and precise connection to the geocentric coordinate system and the national coordinate system.

如果学生明白一个中世纪的世界观如何使地心说看起来似乎正确的,那么让他看到自身相似的影响就简单多了。If a student understands how a medieval worldview could have made a geocentric theory of the solar system seem correct, it is a short step to seeing similar influences in oneself.