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柏树又高又细。This cypress is tall and thin.

给我丝柏和芸香。For me the cypress and the rue.

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佛罗里达州的大柏树保护区Big Cypress Reservation, Florida

赞恩斯•塞浦瑞斯能够证明这一点。Zanes Cypress can attest to that.

我们是在丝柏中,什麽然后发生?We're in Cypress , what happens next?

我们像松柏——宁折不弯。We should not bend as cypress and pine.

松柏夹道的墓地,心碎神伤Through churchyard paths of cypress and of yew

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柏树叶子有药理作用吗?Does cypress leaf have pharmacodynamics effect?

车道被一株大柏树掩蔽着。The driveway was sheltered by a large cypress tree.

我十一岁,我住在杰生得克萨斯州塞浦乐思。I am eleven years old and I live in Cypress , Texas.

“黄肠”是指黄心的柏木。"Huang chang" refers to cypress wood with yellow core.

日本扁柏是各种类源于日本的柏树。Hinoki is a variety of cypress that is native to Japan.

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台湾的红桧与扁柏及其保存。Taiwanan red and yellow cypress and their conservation.

橙色的日落在佛罗里达的大柏树国家的保护区。Orange sunset in Florida's Big Cypress National Preserve.

苍松翠柏,常绿不凋。The pine and the cypress remain green all the year round.

他们围坐在一棵桧树边,那棵树至今还依然屹立于此。They are gathered around a cypress tree which still stands.

一只小舟滑过柏树泉那明净的水面。A canoe glides over the windowpane waters of Cypress Spring.

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台湾的红桧与扁柏及其保存。Title Taiwanan red and yellow cypress and their conservation.

橡树和松柏,也不在彼此的荫翳中生长。And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other's shadow.

而橡树和柏树也并不在彼此的荫下生长。And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each other ' s shadow.