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他吸了一口气,强自镇定。He breathes in, forcing calmness.

他是怎样在平静中等候无光的He bides in calmness the silent morrow

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在阳光灿烂的日子里感受安宁。Feel the calmness on a quiet sunny day.

在阳光灿烂的日子里,感受安宁。Feel the calmness on a quite sunny day.

这种平静就是跑步者的高潮吗?Was the calmness itself a runner’s high?

让你更觉得积极和平静。It can add calmness and positive feelings.

风停了,海面上恢复了一片寂静。The wind failed and the sea returned to calmness.

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他说话时语气平静,就象一个饱经灾患的人。He spoke with the calmness of a man used to disaster.

放松,唯冷静足以克敌制胜。Relax — victory can only be achieved through calmness.

这真是多亏干部们的临场冷静与机智。That all thanks to our leaders' calmness and wittiness.

这真是多亏领导们的临场冷静与机智。That all thanks to our leaders' calmness and wittiness.

成就和冷静是形影相随的,马丁如是说。Achievement and calmness follow each other says Mr Martin.

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因戒得定。定能生慧。Calmness because of commandment. Calmness can produce wisdom.

丹特斯听取这些伤心的消息时外表很镇静。Dantes listened to these melancholy tidings with outward calmness.

冷静是他在社区里如此有影响力的原因之一。Calmness is one reason that he has such influence in the community.

静坐下来,你就能体会到那种稳定和静谧。There is steadiness and calmness that comes from sitting in silence.

我再也无法平静,眼睛喷了火,逼视着他。I could not hold my calmness any more and shouted at him irritatingly.

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我对角落的热衷是因为它能够给我的灵魂带来安宁。I hanker after a corner because it serves to bring calmness to my mind.

虽然我没有宗教信仰,但在这个庄严肃静的地方我感到了内心的平静。Althoug I am an atheist, I felt the peace and calmness in this holy place.

我已经发现这样做,常常能帮我再次找到内心的平静。I have found that doing this always helps me to find inner calmness again.