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我搬到了纽约,拼命表演。I moved to New York City, hell-bent on stardom.

这位男演员靠自己长得漂亮而毫不费力地成了明星。The actor coasted to stardom on his good looks.

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到那时,布拉德将本身作为一个超等明星。Till then, Brad set himself as a super stardom.

她因在百老汇出演了一部诺埃尔·科沃德的戏一炮而红。She shot to stardom on Broadway in a Noel Coward play.

1984年,她以“似水流年”迅速成为当红明星。She rose to stardom with the song "Homecoming" in 1984.

这张唱片使那位青年歌手开始挤身明星之列。The record started the young singer on the road to stardom.

她因为第一张唱片的成功一跃成为名歌手。She was catapult to stardom by the success of her first record.

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为明星梦奋斗需要大量辛勤的工作。Striving for stardom requires large amounts of industrious work.

不健康的是通往成名之路的持续的挣扎。What’s unhealthy is the constant struggle I see towards stardom.

但我们确实知道的是波伊尔现在将一举成名。We do know however that Susan Boyle will now get a shot at stardom.

她是世界微博粉丝前10名中唯一一个非美国人。She is the only non-American in the top 10 of microblogging stardom.

他和其他中国学者并不看重李云迪和郞朗的明星光环。He and other Chinese scholars downplay Li Yundi's and Lang Lang's stardom.

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团体协作和单打独斗相比,能获得的裨益甚至更多。There's even more Premium on teamwork as opposed to just individual stardom.

布莱恩特属于那种早就为自己的明星路作了铺垫安排的运动员。Bryant is an athlete who has had his path to stardom planned for a long time.

凯蒂·赫尔姆斯大谈自己女儿苏芮·克鲁斯有多适合做演员。Katie Holmes gushes about her daughter Suri Cruise and how she is meant for stardom.

娱乐业中的明星制是变化无常的,宝莱坞也不例外。Stardom in the entertainment industry is very fickle, and Bollywood is no exception.

尽管陈汉典的成名之路不同寻常,勤奋努力仍然是要义。Although Chen's path to stardom is rather unusual, hard work has still been a watchword.

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由于他是实在的,这也是我的运气。我知道时间会证实一切,我要去摘星。Because he is real, this is my destiny. I know that time will tell, I'm going to stardom.

运动员起初被认为是国家的英雄,但是很快表演就谢幕了。The players were greeted initially as national heroes, but their stardom was short-lived.

不过,该公式也把她促进英国本土电影制作的明星地位作为一个关键因素纳入计算范围中。However, it also credits her stardom as a key factor in boosting UK-based film production.