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一只寄生蜂正在往一只蚜虫的体内产卵。A parasitic wasp lays its eggs in an aphid.

旅游资源具有寄寓特性。Tourist resources have a parasitic feature.

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旋毛虫病是一种人畜共患寄生虫病。Trichinosis is a zoonotic parasitic diseases.

禽鸟衔其子寄生它木上,便郁茂。Birds bit its parasitic it wood, and woods which.

一种蠕虫,尤指寄生蛔虫或绦虫。A worm, especially a parasitic roundworm_or_tapeworm.

扁平身体的寄生或非寄生的蠕虫。Parasitic or free-living worms having a flattened body.

锈菌目的一种寄生担子菌。Rusts Parasitic basidiomycete fungi of the order Uredinales.

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毛滴虫只能寄生于人体的泌尿生殖道。Trichomonas parasitic in the human body can only urogenital.

兔球虫属于艾美耳科的寄生性原虫。Rabbit coccidian is a kind of parasitic protozoan of Eimeria.

帝国主义是垄断的、寄生的、垂死的资本主义。Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

血吸虫病是寄生虫引起的一种慢性病。Schistosomiasis is a chronic disease caused by parasitic worms.

她可能患有常见的寄生虫病所引发的炎症。She could have had inflammation from common parasitic diseases.

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小麦秆锈病是由一种寄生真菌形成的,它会对作物造成伤害。Stem rust is caused by a parasitic fungus and devastates crops.

斯特赖加是一种寄生野草,非洲人通常称其为独角金。Striga is a parasitic weed that Africans commonly call witchweed.

如果获得许可,这将是预防寄生虫病的第一个疫苗。If licensed, it would be the first vaccine for a parasitic disease.

鞭毛虫寄生于脊椎动物包括人类的内部。Flagellates parasitic in intestines of vertebrates including humans.

原生动物和蠕虫在人体中导致寄生虫疾病。Parasitic diseases in humans are caused by protozoans and helminthes.

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事实表明,这种寄生虫所导致的精神控制,至少已经有了4800万年的历史。It turns out this parasitic mind-control is at least 48 million years old.

可是,寄生型的蠕虫却可以感染活生生的人,尤其是小孩子。Sadly, parasitic worms infect people who are still alive, especially kids.

云南省寄生蜂天敌资源十分丰富。Resources of parasitic wasp natural enemy are very rich in Yunnan Province.