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正确的汽油泵是有缺陷的。Right fuel pump is defective.

烟斗如有缺损,可予更换。Any defective pipe may be replaced.

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条子喂入机构运行有故障。Defective operation of sliver feed mechanism.

我用一条有毛病的轮胎换一条新的轮胎。I exchanged the defective tire for a good one.

他们决定重印全部有缺陷的印张。They decided to make all the defective sheets up.

必须将坏了的热敏电阻换新。It is necessary to renew the defective thermistor.

我们在远东的产品上市已是不完善的了。Our product for the far Eastern launch is defective.

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这些是有缺陷的和不合格的消费者的暴乱。These are riots of defective and disqualified consumers.

他认识到自己在听力方面是有缺陷的。It hit home that he knew he is a defective boy in hearing.

我们应该设法防止有毛病从部件漏出去。We should try to prevent defective parts slipping through.

其中之一是置换,导致某种疾病的缺陷基因One way is to replace a gene that's defective in a disease.

塑性皱曲是管材内高压胀形工艺的一种典型失效形式。Plastic wrinkling is a typical defective mode during the THF.

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即使是超市里的劣次油也变得不那么讨厌了。Even the defective supermarket oil had become much less offensive.

我当然也不喜欢发酵味、霉味和所有的缺陷风味。I also dislike ferment, mustiness and all other defective flavours.

可惜的是,这最令人震惊的解释也有缺陷。The most thrilling explanation is,unfortunately,a little defective.

检测中,标称的进口产品不合格率较高。In detecting, nominal entrance product fraction defective is taller.

更换下列各处损坏的柳钉并做水压试验。To renew defective rivets and conduct water test in following places.

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因此,许多不好的塘坝变成了好塘坝。Consequently many defective embankments have been turned into good ones.

某厂家由于疏忽,制造并销售了一款刹车系统存在缺陷的汽车。A manufacturer negligently made and marketed a car with defective brakes.

创伤、疾病或出生缺陷可导致尿道缺陷。Defective urethras can be the result of injury, disease or birth defects.