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他会来带我这老黑奴回家的。He'll come tek dis ole nigger home agin.

这老人拍了男孩的肩。The ole man pat the boy on the shoulder.

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奥勒·安德生翻了一个身朝向墙壁那边去。Ole Anderson rolled over toward the wall.

我开始为穷孩子修理旧自行车。I started fix in'up ole bicycles fer poor kids.

您知道大奥普里名称的由来吗?Do you know how the Grand Ole Opry got its name?

奥雷·舍为新加坡创造了一个全新的地标。Ole Scheeren has created anew landmark for Singapore.

“我们知道玛格努斯有很高的天赋,”奥莱告诉曼联电视。"We know Magnus is a talented player, " Ole told MUTV.

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“不。”奥勒·安德生说。“那不会有什么用处的。”"No, " Ole Anderson said. "That wouldn't do any good. "

陶艺家兼设计师奥利詹森已经决定洗心革面。Ceramist and designer Ole Jensen has cleaned up his act.

奥勒·安德生望着墙,一声也不吭。Ole Anderson looked at the wall and did not say anything.

奥莱Andreson看着墙上的,并没有说什么。Ole Andreson looked at the wall and did not say anything.

可是她甚至话都没能说完,奥立就从视野里消失了。But before she could even finish, Ole vanished from sight.

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奥勒·安德生穿着全身衣服正躺在床上。Ole Anderson was lying on the bed with all his clothes on.

剑桥大学,神经科学系,教授。Ole Paulsen Neuroscience, University of Cambridge, Professor.

“没有什么我可以做些什么,”奥莱Andreson说。"There isn't anything I can do about it, " Ole Andreson said.

老太太她会把我的头给拧下来的,她真的会的!Ole missis she'd take an' tar de head off'n me. 'Deed she would.

“我给了他一个大大的拥抱,我实在是太谢谢他了,”瓦尔德说。"I gave him a big ole hug because I was very thankful," Ward says.

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“听我说,”乔治对尼克说,“你最好到奥勒·安德生那儿去看一看他。”"Listen, " George said to Nick. "You better go see Ole Anderson. "

可是她甚至话都没能说完,奥立就从视野里消失了。Ole! Ole!”But before she could even finish, Ole vanished from sight.

奥利希望让你坐进软软的浴盆中,让你水润的身体变得更自然水润。Ole wants you to go soft and take your eau natural body, eau natural.