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没有电流通过电流计。There is no current through the galvanometer.

如何在电学实验中选配灵敏电流计?。How to Select Sensitive Galvanometer in Electrical Experiments?

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采用高速振镜扫描,速度快、精度高、性能稳定。Using high-speed galvanometer scanning, high speed, high accuracy and stability.

通过灵敏电流计光标的偏转角度显示温度的变化。The temperature change is displayed by the deflection degree of cursor of galvanometer.

双振镜扫描运动是一种精确度高、速度快、运行稳定的工作方式。Dual galvanometer scanning is a working of high accuracy, high speed, reliable movement.

最后,根据伺服系统的理论模型,设计了振镜扫描器伺服驱动电路。Finally, according to the servo model, the galvanometer scanner servo circuit is designed.

用一种叫作“检流计”的设备就可以测量这种电荷。It is possible to measure this charge with a small piece of equipment called "galvanometer".

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是什么原因引起灵敏电流计的指针发生偏转?什么情况下它偏转的角度最大?What causes the galvanometer to move? What situation makes the galvanometer deflect the most?

用冲击检流计法测量了合金的静态磁化曲线和磁滞回线。The static magnetization curves and hysteresis loops were measured by the ballistic galvanometer.

此脉冲信号还是行计数器的触发信号,间接地控制振镜场扫的正程和逆程。The horizontal line's counter is also activated by this signal to control galvanometer up and down.

本文介绍我国自行研制的一套三分向检流计记录地震仪。A matched three-component long period seismograph with galvanometer recording is described in this paper.

一位名叫贝克斯特的人用电流计进行植物研究,所得出的结果使他惊讶不已。A man called Backster used a galvanometer for his studies of plants and was very surprised at his results.

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他先把一些绝缘导线绕在一根铁条上,并将导线的两端与一个电流计连接起来。First he coiled some insulated wire around an iron bar, connecting both ends of the wire to a galvanometer.

扫描头包含了纵列扫描技术、电流计以及压电控制扫描镜。The scan head combines tandem scanning technology with galvanometer and piezo- controlled scanning mirrors.

介绍了光针式教学灵敏电流计的工作原理和制作方法。The working principle and the fabricating method of the light-pointer teaching galvanometer are introduced.

为了探测记忆印痕,哈伯德采用了一种电池驱动的电流计,它有一个指针可调节,连接着两个空罐头盒。To detect engrams, Hubbard adopted a battery-powered galvanometer with a needle dial wired to two empty tin cans.

把检流检置于已从植物上脱落的叶片上,它就可以记录叶片的电场中的任何电荷。The galvanometer is placed on a leaf off the plant, and it records any changes in the electrical field of the leaf.

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本文介绍了用冲击电流计测电容时,开关漏电对测量的影响及改进方法。This paper presents the effect of electrical leakage on the measurement in measuring capacitance by ballistic galvanometer.

并对由振镜扫描引起的枕形失真的原因和纠正方法进行了研究,对系统的控制方法作了简单介绍。The correcting method of the pillow distortion causing by scanning of the two galvanometer scanners is discussed too in the paper.

本文通过对测量灵敏电流计内阻实验误差的分析,给出一种有效的减小内阻测量误差的方法。This paper presents a method for reducing detecting error of the internal resistance of sensitive galvanometer by analyzing its errors.