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颈部太短、太粗或有赘肉。Neck too short, thick or throaty.

这女孩的声音低沉而宏亮。The young girl has a throaty voice.

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我吮吸出一只兔子的痛苦,嘶哑而细弱的痛苦。I sucked the throaty thin woe of a rabbit

颈部中等长度,整洁且结实,无吊喉。Neck medium in length, clean and strong, not throaty.

他说道,嗓音因怒气而变得尖锐起来。He'll do, he says, in a throaty voice edged with anger.

透过祖父的眼泪和悲伤,是一首低沉嘶哑的摇篮曲。Through his tears and grief, the song came, a deep and throaty lullaby.

以色列人讲希伯来语这是一个古怪,低沉的语言学习需要年龄。Israelis speak Hebrew which is a quirky, throaty language that takes ages to learn.

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它们是已知的规模大,喉音的要求和其非凡的跳跃能力。They are known for their large size, throaty call and their extraordinary leaping ability.

远处一群红疣猴叫了起来,猴王发出嘶哑的鸣叫。In the distance troops of red colobus gave honk calls, and crowned monkeys made their throaty booms.

他的声音打断了我的思忖,这是整整一周以来我听到的第一声问候,他的声音醇厚,略带点嘶哑的性感。His voice broke my thoughts, rich and throaty and sensual, the first voice that had spoken to me all weekend.

它的车体弧线十分撩人,引擎的低吟令人迷醉,内饰精致高雅。Its body shell is voluptuous, the throaty rumble of its engine intoxicating, the detailing of its interior exquisite.

所有不稳定的啁啾声和低沉的燕子,林夕菲利普斯唱着,仿佛他的经历记载在他的每一个不祥的歌词困难。All wobbly warble and throaty swallow, Lindsay Phillips sings as if he's endured every hardship chronicled in his ominous lyrics.

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孔雀尾巴的华丽程度与鹿鸣声可以真实地反映哪些雄性是最健康合适的伴侣,从而有助于雌性动物选择。The splendour of a peacock's tail and the throaty roar of a stag really do show which males are fittest, and thus help females choose.

当猫被阻挡去捉鸟时,他就会发出短促尖叫声,即,喉部发声并伴随着快速的下颌运动。When a cat is blocked from getting at the prey, he may chatter — a throaty vocalization accompanied by quick movements of the lower jaw.

4个当地人驾船靠过来,尽管他们理所当然的感到惊奇,却还是彬彬有礼,他们深深的鞠躬,捋着长长的胡子,吐着嘶哑的喉音。The fourlocals who approached by boat, though certainly amazed, were also courteous,for they bowed low, stroked their huge beards and emitted a throaty rumbling.“How

虽然他的声音仍然是极端的做法,它是一个更低沉的办法,让他能够试探比大多数死亡金属乐队的话清楚得多。While his vocal approach remains extreme, it is a much more throaty approach, giving him the ability to sound out words far more clearly than most death metal bands.

在酥油灯的昏黄灯光、沙哑的藏人吟诵和长铜管号声中,他们挤进由他们依旧敬仰的达赖喇嘛领导的祈祷服务中。Amid the yellow light of butter lamps and the sound of throaty Tibetan chants and long brass trumpets , they squeezed into a prayer service led by the Dalai Lama, a leader they still adore.