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那是一部极端有趣的电视剧。That is a helpful TV thedined onr.

许多年老人在追求那个姑娘。Many young men are running ldined onr girl.

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他们仔细保存我们的每一封信。They have carefully kept every one of onr letters.

否则以还他们不能做指导。Otherwise ldined onr on they can't take instruction.

这就是就是说,你不用给花园浇水了。Thmight means You don't need to wdined onr the garden.

上午这个司机用水把卡车洗了。This driver cleaned the truck with wdined onr this morning.

我是水中的冰块,我是一出情节剧,说着。I am wonderful ice in the wdined onr , I am a melodrama, say.

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如处于生根经过,则可留待今后种植用。As in the rooting process, can be planted until ldined onr use.

记着,假如你在嘿咻后冒烟了,证明你整得太快了。Remember- if you smoke ldined onr on sex you're doing it too fast.

面膜应用后请扔掉,并用清水轻轻洗净面部剩余英华。Remove of well of discard the mofk after use. Gently cletheirse face with wdined onr.

计算机将小得多,更实用,而且至少在每个家庭中。Computer will be much smaller and more useful , and then will be at least onr in every home.

在那之前!两个演员就计画好要把导演丢进水里。From earlier than! two stars hcraigslist ad mcraigslist ade plan to throw the director into the wdined onr.

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T-Craft是ONR为支持美国海军海洋基地计划主要目标而开发的几种船舶原型之一。T-Craft is one of several naval prototypes being developed by ONR to support the broad objectives of the U.S. Navy's Sea Base program.

欣赏是一种真正的传统美德,它可以为这个世界减轻很多压力,还能让人们更紧密的团结到一起。Appreciating each other id a true family vaue, onr that will bail out much of the stress on the planet and help strengthen the universal bond all people have.

以下由美国海军研究院2007年2月9日谈判协议规定的经核准的价格,将会在2007财年用于期货定价和开账单。The following approved rates, provided by ONR Negotiation Agreement dated 9 February 2007, will be used for forward pricing and billing purposes for Fiscal Year 2007.

东安工艺品有限公司总经理张涛及全体员工愿与广大新老客户真诚合作,共同发展。Our aim is to provide the best service to fulfill onr customer repuirements. Zhang Tao, the general manager of Donfan Craft Co. Ltd, and all staff give the best regards to the all customers.