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你仅仅是跌倒刚好撞到了门把手?You all just fell and hit the doorknob right?

那只狗一次又一次地抓门把手。The dog pawed at the doorknob again and again.

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另一个扭了一下门把手但它是锁住的。Another one turned the doorknob but it was locked.

如果您需要整理房间,请将“请即打扫”牌挂到门把手上。If you need clean your room , please hang PMU sign on your doorknob.

你把手放在松了的门把上,它就会发出奇怪的声音。The loose doorknob made strange sounds when you put your hand on it.

几乎所有的旅馆都备有可以挂在房门把手的小牌供顾客使用。All most all hotels provide signs that the guest can hang on the doorknob.

我从挂在房门把手上的塑料袋里拿出几本杂志递给他们。I handed them some magazines in a plastic bag someone had hung on our doorknob.

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如果没有人去世,在门把手挂衣服就会招来不幸。When there has been death, hanging clothes from a doorknob would invite misfortune.

回到前门口,冰凉的门把手攥在我那更加冰凉的手心里,我站住了。Back at the front door, I stop with the cold doorknob clutched in my even colder fist.

我走到门前,微微地触摸了门把手,就像轻抚从战场归来的爱人的脸一样。I walked up and touched the doorknob like it was the cheek of a lover just home from war.

维修工把原先的门把手扔进他的工作箱内,Michael失望地走了。The maintenance man throws the old doorknob into his work box as Michael walks by, defeated.

娜蒂向床走去,马库斯则向门跳去,奋力的扭门把手。Nahti walked toward the bed, and Marcus jumped toward the door, struggling with the doorknob.

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诺顿呆呆地坐在办公桌前,面前放着手枪。门把手被拧地。Norton sits blankly at his desk, revolver before him. The doorknob rattles, a VOICE is heard.

我听见扭动门把手的声音,立即拉开我桌子上层的抽屉,把小册子塞了进去。I heard the doorknob turn, and I pulled open the top drawer of my desk and shoved the pamphlet inside.

流感病毒能够在表面停留数小时,例如一个向手打喷嚏的人刚接触过的门把手。Flu viruses can live on surfaces for several hours, like a doorknob just touched by someone who sneezed into his hand.

哈里穿过了阴暗的走廊,转动了像蛇一样的卧室门把手,然后打开门。Harry crossed the dingy landing, turned the bedroom doorknob which was shaped like a serpent's head, and opened the door.

为了汤米,先在这儿假装一下伤心的样子,”他说完,回到营业室那里,把门把手从墙里拔了出来。Keep it sad around here for Tommy’s sake,” he said, and went back to the lobby, where he pulled the doorknob from the wall.

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玉环县玉龙制冷机械厂是一家专门从事门把碰锁和门铰链等五金系列制品的生产、销售企业。Yuhuan Yulong refrigeration machinery factory is special in producing and selling doorknob locks and hinges , etc. Our company was built in1988.

只穿着内衣的她又抬起一只玉臂,将温暖的手掌放在他那双还紧张得抓着门柄的手上。Wearing nothing but her underclothing, she outstretched her other smooth arm and lay her warm palm on his tense hands, still gripping the doorknob.

洗手能够帮助清洗掉短暂细菌,比如来自水槽,门把手或者其他人的手。Washing your hands helps remove transient bacteria that are just visiting from foreign places like the sink, doorknob and even other people’s hands.