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血管破裂。A blood vessel ruptured.

他有一个渔轮。He has a fishing vessel.

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你船船员准备弃船吗?Will you abandon vessel?

一个大形的渡海的“构造”。A large sea-going vessel.

船舶是否安全系泊?Is vessel securely moored?

他们的船突然遇到风了。Their vessel is flying up.

他们使那只船超载。They overloaded the vessel.

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本船能否提供协助?。Is own vessel able to assist?

医生使一条血管破裂了。The doctor burst a blood vessel.

船上有多少个冷藏箱电源插头?How many reefer plugs has vessel?

远离母船并报告。Stand clear of vessel and report.

一个较大的血管已经裂伤。A major vessel has been lacerated.

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船在系留处打转。The vessel swings by her moorings.

你船的船位正合适-绑牢。Your vessel in position-make fast.

轻松查看船舶配载流程。Easily view vessel stowing progress.

我船和一艘不明船相碰。I have collided with unknown vessel.

跳到系泊在大船的救生筏上。Jump onto liferaft alongside vessel.

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现在猜猜看,你在哪种交通工具上?Now, what kind of vessel are you on?

在你船左舷处的船正在加速。Vessel port of you increasing speed.

临时拴在柱子上或桅杆的结。The forward mast on a sailing vessel.