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法国哲学家和讽刺家。French philosopher and satirist.

奥罗克,当然了,是一名作家,讽刺家,幽默家。P.J. O'Rourke, of course, is an author, satirist and humorist.

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也许第一个记述这一梦想的要算是希腊的讽刺作家露西安了。Perhaps the first to chronicle this dream was the Greek satirist Lucian.

刘易斯是一个浪漫的在许多方面,以及资优讽刺作家和现实主义者。Lewis was a romantic in many ways as well as a gifted satirist and realist.

斯威夫特是十八世纪英国伟大的诗人、讽刺家。Jonathan Swift is a great English poet as well as a satirist in18th century.

斯威夫特写过许多诗,但却以散文讽刺作家著称。Swift wrote a great deal of poetry, but he is best regarded as a prose satirist.

幽默大师林语堂以为这段家书,表达了中国人勤勉淳朴、崇尚简单的生活理想。For the satirist Lin Yutang this exemplified the Chinese ideals of frugality and industriousness.

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每个人都是个月亮,都有从不示人的黑暗一面---马克。吐温,美国讽刺作家。Everyone is a moon and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody---Mark Twain, American satirist.

这位前“星期六夜生活”的主持人、讽刺家将于明天宣誓就职参议院。The former Saturday Night Live performer and satirist is expected to be sworn in to the Senate tomorrow.

然而,爱尔兰目前发生的情况就需要有着残酷无情笔锋的讽刺家大加鞭笞才对。But only a satirist — and one with a very savage pen — could do justice to what's happening to Ireland now.

但是现在也只有一个讽刺作者--一个拥有犀利笔锋的讽刺作者--才能在爱尔兰的遭遇上还其公正。But only a satirist — and one with a very savage pen — could do justice to what’s happening to Ireland now.

在所有这些体裁中,都或多或少地体现了讽刺作家布尔加科夫的杰出而独特的才能。In all of these genres it is more or less expressed the excellent and special talent of Bulgakov as a satirist.

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婚姻也许常常是波涛涌动的湖泊,但独身永远是泥泞不堪的池塘---托马斯。勒夫。皮科克,英国讽刺作家。Marriage may often be a stormy lake, but celibacy is almost always a muddy horse-pond---Thomas Love Peacock, English satirist.

但是即便是这个天才的讽刺作家也寻觅多年希望找出一种方式讲出自己的故事。But the brilliant satirist had a hard time figuring out what rules to break as he struggled for years to tell his own life story.

讽刺是一种玻璃,人在其中能看到每个人的面容却看不到自己---乔纳森。斯威夫特,爱尔兰讽刺作家。Satire is a sort of glass, wherein beholder do generally discover everybody's face but their own---Jonathan Swift, Irish satirist.

就勇气而言,每个人都有限度。没有胆大无边的英雄---马克。吐温,美国讽刺作家。In the matter of courage we all have our limits. There never was a hero who did not have his bounds---Mark Twain, American satirist.

他说,作为写实文学已经变得比小说类题材更让人陌生,它已经让一个讽刺作家难以在“人类命运曲线”前保持领先地位。He says that as nonfiction has gotten stranger than fiction, it’s become harder for a satirist to stay ahead of “the curve of human weirdness.

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讽刺作家迪克·格雷戈里曾经说过,吐温“远远地走在自己时代的前面,别的人根本就不可与他同日而语”。Satirist Dick Gregory once said that Twain "was so far ahead of his time that he shouldn't even be talked about on the same day as other people."

奥巴马魔术黑人”2是由美国政治讽刺作家保罗尚克林谁写的歌,记录它在林博显示为讽刺。Obama the Magic Negro" 2 of " the " American political satirist Paul Shanklin, who wrote the song, recorded in the exhibition to Limbaugh "and" spelling.

美国批评埃及对知名讽刺作家巴瑟姆·尤瑟夫的法律诉讼,埃及总统穆罕默德·穆尔西所属的伊斯兰政党对此谴责美国。The Islamist political party of the Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has condemned US criticism of legal action against the well-known satirist Bassem Youssef.