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偿还贷款的条款定得很宽。The repayment provisions are generous.

您所考虑的还款期是什么时候?What repayment period were you thinking of?

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一些人把它作为一笔贷款和延期还款。Some structured it as a loan and deferred repayment.

本公司不能保证付还投资本金。There is no guarantee of the repayment of principal.

他们协商出一个还款协议,还要给老石找份工作。He'd negotiate a truce a repayment plan a job search.

别这么说,宝贝儿,我不图你给我回报。Don't say so, baby. I won't ask you for the repayment.

税务当局不断逼她缴税。The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.

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税务局一直在催她补交税款。The tax authorities have been harrying her for repayment.

它是一个非常庞大的金额,在年底前的还款期。It is a very large payment at the end of the repayment period.

丙方同意代乙方收取该等款项。Party C agrees to collect such repayment on behalf of Party B.

足够了,而且对我来说,还款期听起来不错。That'll be enough, and the repayment period sounds good to me.

偿还的贷款保证在江浙地区还贷期间保持不变。Repayment guaranteed to tay the ame throughout the length of the loan.

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而这些亏损中包括了支付给德国政府的一次性援助贷款9亿3千万欧元。This loss included an one-off repayment of 930m euros to the Dutch state.

这也是培养良好的还款习惯与预算技巧的机会。It is an opportunity to develop good repayment habits and budgeting skills.

当心那家伙,他总是找别人借钱,但是从不还钱。He always borrows money from others but the repayment is on the Greek calends.

恶意逃废银行债务的个人客户。Individual customers who attempt to evade repayment obligations for bank loans.

随着废约运动的开展,收回领水主权的努力逐渐得到回报。With the development of this movement, the efforts won the repayment gradually.

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纽约时报说,联邦住房金融局在争取让银行赔偿这些损失。The Times reports the FHFA is seeking repayment from the banks for those losses.

资本偿还涉及每1林吉特股配送现金75仙。The capital repayment involved a cash distribution of 75 sen for every RM1 share.

支付进口和偿还国际贷款的本金和利息。Payment for imports and repayment of principal and interest on international loans.