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他走的时候脸上飞扬跋扈的样子。He walks with an imperious look.

即便她著装随意,也高傲得很。Even in her casual attire, she is imperious.

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齐罗向第二个机器人傲慢地伸出一只手。Ziro held out an imperious hand to the second droid.

而这一次,他横扫赛场一举夺冠。This time around, he swept to the title in imperious style.

混凝土面板是堆石坝的主要防渗体。The Concrete facing is a main imperious structure of rockfill dam.

与其成为专横的传奇人物,卡佩罗不如继续寻求其他答案。Rather than being the imperious character of legend, he continues to scramble for answers.

她身上有一种专横的气质,甚至在面对摄魂怪时她也丝毫不退缩。She had an imperious manner about her which she maintained even when approached by Dementors.

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伏地魔对哈利使用夺魂咒,迫使哈利对他鞠躬,并遵行其他决斗时的礼仪。Voldemort used the Imperious Curse to force Harry to bow and obey the other niceties of dueling.

在那支飞扬跋扈的米兰队中,即便是花那么多钱买来的帕潘也常常被忽视。Even Papin who had been brought at such cost was often left out of a Milan team in imperious form.

毕竟,德国人都很担心他的肌腱,如今他状态如日中天。After all the Germans' oft-expressed fears about Schweinsteiger's hamstring, here he was in imperious form.

我重获单身女身份,飞扬跋扈,不要约会,不必担心男人怎么想。It turned me back into the imperious single girl, the one was above dating and didn't need to impress a man.

德约科维奇上周日以一贯势如破竹的姿态赢得温布顿男子单打冠军。Novak Djokovic continued his imperious run of form by winning the Wimbledon men's singles title last Sunday.

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通过对具有这类特点的堆石坝进行渗流场分析,得到相应的防渗结论和认识。Therefore, analysis of hung-upside down imperious wall is adopted and considered in the rock-fill dam engineering.

然而反复听过之后,声音却开始清晰起来,甚至透出了说话者的一丝专横与傲慢。And yet -listened to over and over again- the voice does begin to sound refined. Perhaps even a little bit imperious.

他虽然样子傲慢,但是和那些他认为会阻碍他前进的人打交道时,他可以相当客观。Imperious in manner, he could be quite impersonal in his dealings with those whom he thought might impede his progress.

在所有的问题达成协议以前,不要让拙劣的策略选择或者专横态度的表现终止谈判。Don't let poor strategy selection or the surfacing of imperious attitudes derail talks before all points have been made.

贝尔图乔一看见他主人目光威严,就急忙低下了头,一动不动地站着,也不回答。Bertuccio hung down his head before the imperious look of his master, and remained motionless, without making any answer.

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普罗斯旺人知道抚摸的重要性,就反复做着这个动作,为的是迷惑和麻痹眼前这位骄横的交际花。The man, understanding the importance of his caresses, redoubled them in such a way as to surprise and stupefy his imperious courtesan.

她也曾是个美人,至今丰韵犹存,眉宇间不无孤芳自赏的神气。Elsing was younger, a thin frail woman, who had been a beauty, and about her there still clung a faded freshness, a dainty imperious air.

埃尔辛太太年轻些,身材纤细瘦弱,她曾经是个美人儿,至今风韵犹存,也仍显得有点骄矜。Mrs. Elsing was younger, a thin frail woman, who had been a beauty , and about her there still clung a faded freshness, a dainty imperious air.