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州长还赞扬了葡萄可持续种植的准则。The Governor also applauded the Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Practices.

智利独一无二的地理和气候条件使得那里成为酿酒葡萄生长的天堂。Chile's unique combination of geography and climate make it ideal for winegrowing.

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象红盾那样的葡萄酒就是罗思柴尔德男爵酒庄对智利酿酒业杰出贡献的极大回报。Wines like Escudo Rojo are a tribute to the passion of Baron Philippe in Chilean winegrowing.

通过可持续的葡萄种植方式,得利卡多家族葡萄酒庄园坚定不移地致力于打造和表现最高质量的葡萄酒。DFV Wines is steadfastly committed to crafting and representing wines of the highest quality produced in accordance with sustainable winegrowing practices.

威昂士酒庄挑选的优质葡萄酒体现出新西兰奥塔哥中部葡萄酒酿制地区环境的壮观、天然与质朴。The Wild Earth selection of premium wines is symbolic of the spectacular, untamed and pristine environment of New Zealand's Central Otago winegrowing region.

班奇格家族的生活、甚至呼吸气息都与索诺玛郡的酿酒事业息息相关,使的他们的酒有著强烈的在地感,风味独特也滋养了他们的灵魂。The Benzigers live and breathe Sonoma County winegrowing . The result is Sonoma wine with a strong sense of place that satisfies the palate and nourishes the soul.

塔斯马尼亚的纬度和岛屿地形所造成的气候条件类似于法国经典的葡萄种植区域以及澳洲的其他部分产区。Tasmania's latitude and island status creates a range of climates more closely resembling the classic winegrowing regions of France than any other part of Australia.

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葡萄酒协会协助发展及基金的可持续葡萄种植实践奖殊荣的守则,以促进环境管理和行业的社会责任。Wine Institute helped develop and fund the award-winning Code of Sustainable Winegrowing Practices to promote environmental stewardship and social responsibility in the industry.

这款半干汽酒系选用欧洲传统葡萄酒产区生产的葡萄酒勾兑并采用特殊的罐发酵方式酿制而成。Semi-dry Faber Kroenung sparkling wine is produced by means of a special tank fermentation process. It is a blend of selected wines from the classic winegrowing regions of Europe.

当时,时间还没认识到加州发展成为优秀的葡萄酒产地,正等待着有远见,有激情的人来让它美名远扬。At that time, the potential of California as a pre eminent winegrowing region was as yet unrecognized, waiting for someone with the vision and enthusiasm to champion its virtues to the world.

普罗塞克葡萄主要是生长在意大利特雷维索省的威尼托葡萄酒产区,它是以高质量的葡萄栽培技术而世界闻名的。The Prosecco grape is grown primarily in the winegrowing regions of Veneto in Treviso province. The viticulture centers of Valdobiadene and Coneglia are known worldwide for their high-quality.