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药房在哪里?Where is the pharmacy ?

她正在大学里读药剂学。She works at the pharmacy.

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这附近哪里有西药房?Where is the closest pharmacy?

药学系办事。Department of Pharmacy Services.

她们站在药剂师柜台旁。They stand at the pharmacy counter.

药剂学或者MBA优先。Pharmacy or MBA degree is preferred.

这是伦敦大学药学院的网站。All we need to do is find a pharmacy.

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第三个景点是一家中药房。The third spot was a Chinese pharmacy.

把这件处方”。’笺’。”拿到药房去。Take this prescription to the pharmacy.

临床药学在我国是个新兴的专业。Clinical pharmacy is a new specialty in China.

可是,妈,我并不想在药局工作。I don't really want to work at a pharmacy Mom.

我的上司获有药剂学博士学位。My supervisor has a Doctor of Pharmacy degree.

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是大井巷通吴山的小径。Huqingyutang Pharmacy is suited in Big Well Lane.

首先从食品杂货店或者药店买一些明矾。Purchase alum from any grocery store or pharmacy.

中译对的。先去批价处,然后去药房。Go to the billing office first, then the pharmacy.

请到急诊药房取药。Please go to emergency pharmacy for your medicines.

你可以在对面那条街的药店买到这种药。You can get some at the pharmacy across the street.

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一张来自她最爱的药店的购物券也是个不错的主意。A gift card to her favorite pharmacy is a great idea.

拿着这个药方去药房买药。Take this prescription to a pharmacy and buy medicine.

这是我开的处方,拿它到药房取药。Here's my prescription. Please take it to the pharmacy.