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碳酸钙剂补充对跟骨骨量发育有促进作用。Calcium supplementation enhanced bone mass development of calcaneus.

补充延胡索酸钠对血浆测定项目没有产生影响。Sodium fumarate supplementation had no effect on plasma measurements.

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日粮中添加硒提高了瘤胃中VFA的浓度。The supplementation of selenium increased VFA concentration of ruminal fluid.

颗粒料中添加尿素对增重的效果有待探讨。Effects of urea supplementation to pellet of meat rabbits remain to be confirmed.

每粒包含50毫克纯5-HTP,提供每天可靠的营养补充。Each capsules deliver 50 mg of pure 5-HTP for dependable everyday supplementation.

这项试验质疑了在孕期服用DHA补充剂的益处。This multicenter trial questions the benefits of DHA supplementation during pregnancy.

治疗方法是给予高剂量的维生素D补给、日光与平衡的饮食。Treatment is with high-dose vitamin D supplementation , sunlight, and a Balanced diet.

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你的牛会告诉你她们是否对这种添加方案有反映。Allow your cows to tell you if they are going to respond to this supplementation scheme.

激素通过牛肉、乳品产品和养殖鱼类等进入人体中,这受到极大的关注。Hormone supplementation is the biggest concern with beef, dairy products, and farmed fish.

另外,鲨鱼软骨对肠炎也能够起一定治疗作用。Intestinal inflammations such as enteritis may respond to shark cartilage supplementation.

补硒能够拮抗雪腐镰刀菌烯醇对软骨细胞的损伤,但作用有限。Se supplementation can resist the injury of NIV to chondrocytes, but its action is limited.

霍立克说,应对此问题的一个方法是增加食品中维生素D的补充量。One way to combat the problem is to increase vitamin D supplementation in foods, Holick said.

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通过增补铁剂预防非贫血性铁缺乏可以是一个社区行动。Supplementation to prevent iron deficiency without anemia may be a community-based initiative.

日粮中添加乳酸宝和柠檬酸可以提高饲料的转化效率。Dietary supplementation with citric acid and Acid Lac could improve feed conversion efficiency.

而仍然没有试验对女性CHF患者补充睾酮是否可起到同样的效果进行研究。No study has evaluated the effects of testosterone supplementation on female patients with CHF.

结论小剂量补锌可提高RRI患儿IGF-1的分泌,增强机体免疫力。Conclusion Low dosage zinc supplementation can improve the secretion of IGF-1 and immunity of RRI.

目的观察孕晚期妇女服用钙及维生素D对孕期妇女低钙和维生素D缺乏的效果。Objective To observe effect of Calcium carbonate and vitamin D supplementation on pregnancy women.

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用他汀类药物的缺血性心脏病患者同样会从辅酶Q10的补充中获利。Patients with ischaemic heart disease who usestatins could also benefit from CoQ10 supplementation.

另外,试验中使用的维生素D的剂量——400单位,是相对较低的。For one thing, the dose of vitamin D supplementation used in the trial, 400 IUs, was relatively low.

建议应避免盲目补铁,并应在需要的基础上提供。It is suggested that blind iron supplementation should be avoided and shall be provided on need basis.